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@Tfmonkey @basedbagel

"... Immense efforts have been made by the Russian authorities & also by the Western liberal democratic power structure to ignore it, to suppress it as much as possible, & above all to prevent & interdict the book’s translation into foreign languages, most especially into English, which has become essentially the worldwide language of our epoch…

The Russian authorities have to this date refused to allow any official English translation of the book to be published".

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@Tfmonkey @basedbagel
It could potentially undo decades of time, effort and money invested in protecting their reputation and carefully managed historical record.

Here's how the translator, Columbus Falco, described the censorship of this book:

"Published in the original Russian in 2002, the book was received with a firestorm of rage and denunciation from the literary and media world, from the Jews, and from almost the entire intelligentsia of the established order in the West…

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@Tfmonkey @basedbagel
So on the show TFM mentioned Solzhenitsyn's book "200 Years Together".

I have read it and it really is a work of excellence. Not the anti-semitic screed it's characterized to be. It is in fact well researched and even-handed.

Unfortunately, it's contents are so uncomfortable and unpalatable, it's no wonder that Jews the world over want it buried.

@VeganBob @YoMomz @Tfmonkey

Here's an excellent book recommendation: "Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation" by first time author Rachel Wilson.

It's short, 125 pages or so, but packed full of awesome awesomeness.

She's a friend of Aaron Clarey's and if you want a flavor of what you're in for first then watch/listen to this podcast episode with Alex Jones regular, Jay Dyer where they discuss her book:

But you need ALL of the above.

Consider the following toast given by a father at his daughter's wedding:

"I love my wife. I know that what I can accomplish alone does not compare to what I can do with her by my side.

Happiness. To love and be loved. These are the pursuits of life. They cannot be achieved in solitude and that is by design. Life is not mean to be lived alone."

Aaron Clarey is right, this kind of life is no longer on the menu. At all.


There is nothing wrong with marriage, only the conditions under which it is lived.

Our current Western Progressive Empire has turned it into defacto slavery for some (responsibility without authority).

Under patriarchy however, marriage can be an unparalleled force-multiplier for happiness, community, productivity and Godliness.

At it's best, marriage to the right woman, from a good family, in a good community, under just laws can provide meaning & purpose in abundance.


It was legit funny as fuck, hearing him panicking and chimping out instead of just rolling with it.

Classic rage monster.

That's a strange thing to say. Someone would only say that when they know they've fucked up and been conned into taking poison like a dumbass.

The only thing they've got left is pretend to own it.

I love seeing the Left take themselves out.

I hope this guy has men around him helping keep his head above water.

Childhood just hit different for Gen-X. Totally worth the whupping of his life for the lulz and cred. Chad mf.

Ah, the old Fixxer Upper strategy.

Yeah, no.

She's already scouting for upgraded cock with her new body.

If only people knew how true this is. Even today, you can set up a trading desk with just a phone and Excel 2003. I've worked on spreadsheets containing a million lines of VBA code that support entire trading desks.

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