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These are your "harmless, quirky" Orthodox Jews.

It is just too difficult for most White people to comprehend the levels of hate and spite that motivate this ethnic group.

@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh Your future as vegetable and probably your wet dream.

Of course female animal corpse will contain estrogenic activity.

Compare to vegan food where estrogenic activity is many time larger.

What I can agree with is that diary is bad. Because it is herbivore designed food with carbs sugars and it is product of plant based diet.

@UncleIroh @Saki RINO claims to use it for their enterprise shared custody service:

And Haveno is supposed to be using it for escrow:

I foolishly assumed this meant it was mature enough to implement more broadly, but I guess not.

@UncleIroh Sir Sean Connery does not care. A mythical figure

@hakui While that's true, assuming what I heard about Epstein is accurate, from what I've read the absolute easiest way for pedos to get access to kids is to troll dating profiles and apps for single mothers who are dumb enough to mention the age and sex of their kids.

I can't help but wonder if the women who do that are doing it because they're clueless, or because they know that they can use the kids as bait to get a man who will put up with their nonsense and provide financially for an extended period just to maintain access to the kids.
@hakui Some of them are like that, sure, but I have a strong suspicion that a lot of them know that they have no value on their own that can keep a man around, so they're willing to whore their kids to fund their lifestyles.

Guys. Don't ever feel bad about the collapse.

It's inevitable.

And since Adolf's numbers are waaay fake and gay, it puts Leopold in 3rd place on the genocidal murderer leaderboard.

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