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If you want us to join your Referral Program, explain why one wants to recommend your VPN, why one wants to use it, how it is different from generally more trusted other VPSes.

You’re only repeating, “Advertise us, and we’ll pay. Attractive, isn’t it?” No, it isn’t. We refuse to advertise a random service we can’t trust, with zero track record, even if you pay.

If your service is truly good, you don’t need to pay; we’ll eventually recommend it to our friends. If the only way you make us advertise your service, then that may mean your service is actually poor and sketchy.

VPN | Surveillance Self-Defense - is a tiny Lemmy instance, only having like 20 (?) active users. Active users know each other more or less. Naturally we say “we” meaning fellow users.

But was being useful. Though ad-supported by an iffy company—big banner ads—, maybe any sponsor is better than no sponsors; although we could start our own similar platform, community-supported rather than supported by a sketchy company. Kuno was a bit like a Bite-and-Switch scam, initially pretending to be a clean, great, passion project. I felt betrayed. You’re using Monero to make a false impression that your service is equally idealistic.
You may be a good person. It might be just miscommunication. We’ll see… If you’re a sales person, though, be more professional; avoid saying unprofessional, rude things, even if you disagree. You’re talking to potential customers, potential affiliates.

I only just realized that Ireland's Prime Minister is a gay pajeet.

Pajeets now rule Ireland, UK, Scotland, and the Mayor of London is also one. WTF is going on?

@UncleIroh @redmaple @Stahesh @VeganMGTOW @Pain66

Jews were chosen

Imagine parents chose someone to be a babysitter

Then the babysitter broke all the rules and behaved worse than the children she was assigned to babysit

The children started begging her to follow the rules which were for her own safety and the safety of the children

Then she murdered the children she was supposed to babysit

That chosen baby sitter would be like the majority of the chosen Jews

With some exceptions

@UncleIroh @redmaple @Stahesh @VeganMGTOW @Pain66

According to the old testament

Jews murdered children by sacrificing them

Jews committed bestiality

Jews committed incest

Jews committed man with man homosexuality

Jews committed fraudulent economics

Jews worshiped gods or idols that encouraged the activities described above rather than being devoted to a God that discouraged them

Jews did these things to a greater extent than the people they invaded as punishment for doing these things

I hope jews are really losing control, I hope they actually have to face the consequences of their genocidal ideology and have nowhere to run

34 Now Rachel had taken the household gods and put them inside her camel’s saddle and was sitting on them. Laban searched through everything in the tent but found nothing.

35 Rachel said to her father, “Don’t be angry, my lord, that I cannot stand up in your presence; I’m having my period.” So he searched but could not find the household gods.

Story about a woman who lied & said she was on her period so they would not search a location for stolen goods?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.