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Uberboyo knocks it out the park again. A decent Rome comparison worth watching.

Poland is about to take a dangerous step in the Ukrainian conflict.

recently signed pact between Kiev and Warsaw, the NATO country could use its military forces to detain Russian missiles and drones in Ukrainian airspace.

Such a situation could be considered by the Russians as a case of direct participation, leading to an open war between Russia and a NATO country.

directly participate in the role of air defense, thus helping UA overcome one of main difficulties.

Candace Owens is over the target and still taking flak from kikes. She shuts this Jew down masterfully.

Well played and worth a watch.

@UncleIroh This could be funny compilation. Where women complain about their daily strugles in homes or with cars.

I think it would by funny to watch😈

This had me crying with laughter. Then I dried my eyes and remembered that her vote is equal to mine. Still funny though.

It was only a matter of time before we got an anime about "a man who falls in love with his maid robot".

Enjoy ..

They know they're the problem, and they're hoping you don't realize it as society collapses. . .

. . . then they'll blame you for not doing enough to stop it.

Someone on Reddit asked for a passphrase table similar to Hive Systems' password cracking table.

So here it is, using the same assumed password hash of bcrypt with a cost of 5 (weak) on 12×Nvidia RTX 4090 GPUs.

In their style of course.


Geopolitics update. Reasons to be cheerful..

1. Hezbollah trolling the Chosen losers

2. The left just absolutely panicking and losing their shit

3. Those Yemeni madlads fucking did it, good job.

This is what ACTUALLY happens when dumb bitches face a bear

"There is no deep state you paranoid dummy."

"There is a deep state and it's a good thing."

Every fucking time.

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Steve Bannon starts his sentence today and gets out just a few days before the November election.

Democrats: "Trump will steal elections, eliminate all our freedoms and lock up his political opponents .."

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.