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Earlier today, I looked at the last few days of recommends in my vids feed and "Piers Morgan & Andrew Tate" came up a bunch.
Here's the link:

So, against my usual judgment I watched it.

Verdict? Tate not only has great debate skills, he also has infinite patience and a practical grasp of Strategy. This wasn't an interview, it was an interrogatoin. Dude still killed it.

I predict he made a net gain of followers as a result.

@Tfmonkey @Hammerhand
Used to be that when boys grew up, they learned that being an annoying dick has hard physical consequences. Most girls and women never learn that lesson, the State forbids it.

With Gen Z, now most boys don't either.

There is a battle coming between "Muh Rights" vs "I've Had Enough Of Your Shit". How do you see this boiling over?

@UncleIroh Sadly all 2 of them. Though more of the tradcucks have started pulling their kids out and properly teaching them, it is sadly very very few.

@UncleIroh ZFS is the clear winner. Btrfs still can't do RAID 5/6 reliably.

ZFS is proven and is production ready. It has so many nice features too!

The only thing I like about Btrfs is I slightly like how snapshots work a little bit more but that's about it. It doesn't perform nearly as well and you can't tune datasets the way you can on ZFS.

ZFS is way more flexible and won't eat your data.

Btrfs had a bug in the kernel just a few years ago that'd completely corrupt your filesystem. Btrfs isn't production ready yet. It also doesn't have nearly the feature set of ZFS.
@ConfederateHobo @BullSchmitt No , it was just a metaphor for Troons being abominations unto nature .

And oh boy , do we have such sights to show you
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.