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Yesterday I witnessed with my own eyes someone whose intelligence I admire repeat the line "I'm grateful for getting the booster because I'm certain it could have been 'so much worse'".

This, after having to take the day because she had a bad reaction to the booster.

The redpills just won't stop.

You are such a conspiracy theorist @Tfmonkey because you doubt the reports that we are having a bumper crop this fall. Why would anyone trust a talking monkey online over the word of the experts who know better?

Oh. Oh wait. It looks like we are not having a bumper crop this year. Oh. It is smaller than expected. NO ONE COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING!

Once you understand the pattern of Welfare, you can see it everywhere.

Europe, specifically NATO countries, has been on US arms foodstamps for decades.

Take that welfare away and they are forced to re-arm, just like the big baby in Spirited Away was forced to grow up outside of his mother's "care".

This is good. Downstream welfare programs would inevitably suffer in each country, forcing the EU to re-evaluate Infinite Welfare as a general principle.

It won't happen but it should.

This fucking retard actress had half her face paralysed from the vaxx. She says she'd do it again. She deserves everything coming to her.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey He had me at the intro.

He's definitely on point with his view on the origination of issues and what will occur -

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.