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Microsoft to kill off VBScript in Windows to block malware delivery

Microsoft is planning to phase out VBScript in future Windows releases after 30 years of use, making it an on-demand feature until it is removed.

@Tfmonkey Thank you for taking the opportunity to remind everyone @VooDooMedic is a gay man who shares vaginas with other dicks and stares men in the eyes during sex and high fives them.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @37712 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh

Jihad / Holy War: You live in a moral universe where objective morality is Truth. This paradigm never fails according to it's own internal rules. It can TEMPORARILY lose against 'Might is Right' and 'Consequentialism / Just War' in a 1v1 AND geoplitically, but is not susceptible to demoralization. All things equal, it wins the long game due to the power of Eschatology.

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@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @37712 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh

Consequentialism:The runner up, and probably the winner in normie audiences. Congrats, you are the inheritors of Atheist Liberalism. This wins against personal 'Might is Right' (i.e. fucking RUN when overpowered), but fails against geopolitical 'Might is Right' AND 'Jihadism'. It is also highly susceptible to demoralization.

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@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @37712 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh

Thanks gents, good turnout.

Pacifism: I included this option but unsurprised it got ZERO votes. It's a retarded option.

Might Is Right: The winner, and not surprising for this audience. Your heroes are likely Greco-Roman and/or the Nietzschean ideal. You have to ALWAYS win, or accept every degradation of defeat you inflict on your foes. Your strongest enemies are Jihadists / Holy War-ists.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.