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French cuckry is timeless. 😤 I wish I could knock this French quean unconscious.

@UncleIroh @aphron that sad moment when you realize hasan piker, eternal sam hyde victim, was right.

@abner @Terry
The point is total amalek death. Jews can't help but kick you while you're down even if they're starting to realize they might need you to protect their gay little sand kingdom.
I think a lot of 'gender discourse' is fundamentally flawed because 90% of people have internalized a women-first gynocentric worldview that sees men as nothing more than variables in a "female fulfillment index".

See the most common pivot women will make when they become """Trad""": "Porn, Video Games, and Drugs are Ruining Men!!!"

They aren't wrong, all of these things are destructive vices that are terrible for society, but all their rhetoric around them are just post hoc justifications because these things reduce men's investment and attention in women writ large.

Video games bad because it's less time/money men can invest in women
Porn bad because it gives men an outlet for sexual energy that isn't at the mercy of women's whims

They don't want to ban porn, drugs, and video games in an effort to push men into acting on their ambitions in a fulfilling and constructive manner, but because these vices are reducing the utility and resources they can extract from men on a societal-wide scale.

"It doesn't matter why they support this, who cares, as long as we get the backing/votes for it!" , some will say.
Maybe, I don't know.

Russia will never side against Israel because it is owned by Ashkenazi "Jews" from Chabad Lubavitch

Unless the Jews are planning to migrate to their Khazarian homeland in Ukraine and possibly also their big money base in Switzerland and that is why they started killing Ukraine citizens in the war

@ButtWorldsMan 10% buzz words, 25% complaining, 30% contradictions, 35% playing the victim.
100% strong independent whammin.

Imagine a cop telling a man "there is nothing to be afraid of" and being treated so gingerly?
As a man, if you walk away from a police encounter alive, consider yourself lucky.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole The templar cross is wrong. You want this one, but yes, I do have a moment to talk about Jesus. 😏

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