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Why are there illegal tunnels under Brooklyn?

I wish we had more than 4 options, but anyway:

Everyone talks about the BBC, and tranny posting going away when Israel is preoccupied.
But does anybody notice how much Reddit dies down as well.

Look, I'm sure nothing untoward is happening in the illegally excavated caverns with baby strollers and blood stained mattresses in it that they are trying to fill in with concrete before the police can enter. What does it say about you for thinking something like that, you sick fuck?

You notice how in those videos of the underground kikes, they all look really pleased with themselves?

@UncleIroh My favorite "I'm-a-retard" confession on that list was the "antivax / disinformation" reason.

And at least the "not a very nice group of people" one is accurate to most of us, hahaha.

Thanks for sharing!

Full marks for redpill, anti-lgbt, transphobic, hate-speech, edgelord chudism.

Slacking on misogyny and racism, could do better.

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On the reverse side, blocks no-one.


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I like to think I'm responsible for at least a few of these blocked instances.

Check out all of the butthurt reasons listed, it's hilarious.

@sardonicsmile dont let yourself be fooled just because they put a pretty face as the poster child of the replacement niggers, they are not like her. He should ask them how many of her familie members participated in rape or crimes or skilling, etc, ask her that and you will see that she is not a proper representation of the invaders, not in the least. Put her and her family to live in the ivader no go zones that the gov and press denied existed and look at how she squeals, just like a jew.

@UncleIroh @Stahesh The answer is download f-droid if you're on android and look for simple calculator.

This Chad Tibor Kaputa made a bunch of apps that are open source and don't spy on you

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.