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@ToyotaTime I think you don't understand what I mean Is there isn't any significant increase in the deaths that is what I mean people die All the time but For example in cities were You expect a Big chunk of deaths cause they took the Jab and booster the deaths rate keep the same yeah some young healthy people die but is the NUMBER that is still too low less 1% of increasing in deaths I am being generous. I was expecting to see 25% increase aleast in these 3 years since people took the Venom.

@ToyotaTime Yeah I mean yes I understand that they use a smoke scheen to hide the deaths but I mean Even those other causes are too low even combine from what I was especting where are All the injures I can't see it neither the deaths. My hope Is that Donald Trump finish the Job this Time and kill the normies For good.

@UncleIroh @ToyotaTime @Zeb I wish this were real but noone had die from were I am sorry but if I can't witness any real proof of this I won't believe it. What I mean yeah people has die from the Jab Is a fact but what I disagreed Is the mortality rate is tooo tiny to noticing.

@DC5FAN @Humpleupagus @not_br549 @shortstories @Dagnar @givenup @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired

You guys really are dumb how many Police and Military are Jews. Jews arent the problem the problem are the enforce of the system

@Mongoliaboo @Starprophet Well that happens when the Police and Military are too powerful

@Wopu @ToyotaTime We should start by Not shaming the so called "Teenage Prenagcy" the most healthy offspring all woman can give to this World is bewteen the age of 16 to 24 years old that is a biogical fact

@Wopu Thank Goodness For Veganism I can avoid the worries putting that stuff in My stomagh🤮🤮

@Wopu @CheshireHuman Damn that would explain a Lot why TFM is so emotional

@RodrickSage @RegalBeagle Is actually avoid eating Meat Dairy and eggs what can raise Testosterone look at Niggers For example the T-lvs are in the lowest cause the Chicken they like to eat Is full of estrogens, in the case of White men the low testosterone Is low cause the Dairy and beef they eat. Animal products Is the Main reason cause the T-lvs are dropping only Vegans men have high Testosterone

@shortstories Jew are just a scapegoat to give the Cucksevatives a Final BOSS. While we understand that the real controlers of this World are directors like James Cameron, Christopher Nolan etc etc

@Based_Accelerationist @sardonicsmile Nah it isn't about valued human life beyond anything else. Is about mindcontrol and keep You in a mindview where saviours exist AKA Donald Trump, mass shooting exist since nightmassmurders got outdated AKA The Mason etc etc they just want to feed you with Bread and Circuses Tragedy Is on the Top of the menu

@RodrickSage Is Christianity Ragnarok? the killing of all masculine traits in European culture to give welcome to feminine Middle East Religion. Or the invention of gunpower where even a weakest of men can kill pulling a trigger Even the strongest of men?

@CygnusX1 @Tfmonkey What if Putin is just a mere employee were his boss Is the same of the people on the news.

Putin is an actor also Donald Trump You are delusional if You think countries exist like independent entities there is just Goverment/propaganda

@sardonicsmile Must be all the Bad genes in the male population For 2 Main reason 1 woman having baby too late in the fertility window and second the destrution of the healthy human genes cause the consumption of meat dairy and eggs

@sardonicsmile UMM You can have the same graph in the other way For example instead of Good looking men change it to a 16 to 22 Year old female and it Who look Exactly the same but with the genders reverse

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