
Potential happening
Take everything with a grain of salt

@ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic
As long as the zionist empire of evil stands, every single one of these columbia retards will not be able to have any life, money and over time the jews will load them in cattle cars to be exterminated for real this time - that's their dream.

@Zeb @VooDooMedic in this case it's for the best. I hope all the leftists kill themselves.

@VooDooMedic i do like how these kike niggers out in the open threaten us citizens and the us regime does fuck all about it

hey about epsteins client list and the mossad connection there

@VooDooMedic It doesn't matter if it's true or not, the recommendation to not go to protests still stands.

@DoubleD @VooDooMedic

Jews: "It's an anti-semitic trope that we run the world"

Also Jews: Publicly threatens American students who are critical of a completely different country with US state-level surveillance, followed by a lifelong shadowban on having any kind of professional career, ever.

The performative contradiction of these 2 things proves that:

1. Jews do in fact wield enormous covert power
2. they are desperately lashing out as they fail everywhere, all at once.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @VooDooMedic - Well that sparks an interesting thought: If true, and if failing everywhere at once... then perhaps this is the true "final solution".

I can't approve of the 1940s version - because it was artificially imposed and there were too many cases of individual injustice. But worldwide collapse? That's a different animal. Everyone has a fair shot with that, and there's no shame in submitting to nature - only wisdom.

If it should rid the world, then so be it. 🍻

@YoMomz @DoubleD @VooDooMedic

I think of it as a self-inflicted decentralized final solution, like global antibodies kicking in.

It's the beginning of the end for them. There are consequences for doing evil that cannot be evaded forever.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @VooDooMedic - Personal JQ update:

You guys might be right - moreso than I previously acknowledged. 🤔

As this national "anti-Semitism bill" moves forward... I'm becoming fine with a 1940s solution.

I like to articulate the why of things, in general. I opposed oven solutions before, because of too much individual injustice that would result. This anti-Semitism bill would result in similar individual injustice - so I guess they cancel out, morally.

Light the ovens. 🫡🍻

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