
...... I'm done.
Fuck you all I'm going full boomer mode you deserve everything you get

@VooDooMedic The phenomenon is not new. He's just familiar with the cultural references and the lingo. It's no different than going to a professional conference of a different person's field and not understanding the lingo. There's no reason to be upset.

@DoubleD bruh did you really just try to conflate business speak to fucking brain rot nigger speak

@VooDooMedic Yes, because you, are ignorant in both cases just as I would be. You know the syntax and the grammar of the language itself, but there is no meaning behind the sentences because you lack the context and the vocabulary. In that way the situation is similar. It's not exactly the same, of course, but it has similar problems.

Here's another example:
"It's a bottom fact that his language is shinning around and leaving you to be Chicagoed. You think he's got some pumpkins because his words are too high for your nut."

I just said "It's an undisputed fact that his language is advancing/progressing quickly and beating you. You think he's a big deal because his words are beyond your intellectual reach".

I just used lingo from 1890's America.
Do you see what I mean?


I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!

@VooDooMedic It already has happened. I don't know these references either, and that's okay. If I needed to interpret them for some reason, I'd do my best to research them. I sympathize with you, VooDoo.

@DoubleD ah yes a normal conversation with normal people

@Tfmonkey welcome to hell my friend

@VooDooMedic @DoubleD @Tfmonkey Every new generation has its own tard talk for real on god no cap.

@VooDooMedic @DoubleD

Any job that you have to wear a dress suit and tie for instead of regular clothes has brain rot speak

Guis it's cool, skibidi is the path to racism. Just ask my ten year old.
Real my nephews are way more racist than I was at their age.

@VooDooMedic Everyone was ready for the collapse to suck. But nobody was ready for it to be this gay and retarded.

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