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Wopu boosted

Reminder that it's never too petty to go back and btfo leftoid faggots who were talking shit in the past.

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Wopu boosted
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Wopu boosted

@kaiservenom >if we don't implement socialism this unfalsifiable hypothesis will happen in the future

Take what you know about leftists and how bad they are at predicting the consequences of their own policies, and throw their opinion in the fucking trash. Then burn the trash can and impale the leftist.

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Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted

Everyone played Super Mario, but no one remembers this part for some reason. Stone Toad was my favorite character.

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Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.