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@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - I recommend the Dick Van Dyke Show. It's cute and funny. And Mary Tyler Moore was hot as fuck, with excellent taste in sweaters.

Alternatively, "It's a Wonderful Life" might be another good example.

And the crazy part is, these would have been feminist portrayals at the time. I can only imagine how the average woman must've carried herself.

@basedbagel - disagree. Not with the supporting premise... But maybe there's a way to offset the numbers?

I dunno. But mind is searching for a method and a means.

@basedbagel - It can go sideways like you wouldn't believe, and can drive a man quite mad for a time.

Cheers. 🍻

@basedbagel - raised in constant close proximity between the ages of 2-6, regardless of genetic relatedness. Children who weren't related, but were raised in the same kibbutz, would never pair off.

But people who are raised apart from one another, can become insanely infatuated when they meet someone they share genes with. And because of moral busy-bodies clutching pearls, it's very controversial.

But if you happen to have any long-lost sisters... For the love of God, never meet them.

@basedbagel - It can go sideways like you wouldn't believe, and can drive a man quite mad for a time.

Cheers. 🍻

@basedbagel - The gist of it is, that we are evolutionarily hardwired to find those with similar traits to us, as more attractive. But being too similar is evolutionarily disadvantageous, because inbreeding causes genetic problems.

The way nature gets us close, but not too close, in terms of mating, is something called the Westermark effect. It was discovered in the Israeli Kibbutz (communes living together). Basically, a child won't grow up to find people sexually attractive, if they're ➡️

@basedbagel - There's a theory about attraction to relatives. It's controversial, but so is every theory when it's new.

The human psyche is complex and nebulous, and we usually only learn about the brain/mind connection when something goes awry.

Anyway, the phenomenon is called GSA (genetic sexual attraction). And it has come to some prominence with the preponderance of broken families. Basically, because being raised apart from genetic relatives has become so common these days.

@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - And furthermore, I suspect that men, who would otherwise not be tempted to attempt a seduction of a mid-teens female... Have a biological drive to try, in the absence of feminine 20yos.

I respect TFM without reservation, and I understand the logic he presents. But I think his take on this contributes to a Salem witch trial mentality.

I can't help suspecting he had a viewer go rogue or something - and he feels a misplaced sense of guilt. Pure speculation though. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - It's just an observation... a "noticing". Women are children (mentally/emotionally).

Hypothesis: By the time they hit twenty, females are children who've been spoiled by all the attention. When their tits are brand new (to be vulgarly blunt), the attention is still new to them. So they still act demure. Timidity and being demure is both feminine & child-like.

Hopefully that clarifies what I meant by that.

@mutageno - Damn...

I've read "Flowers for Algernon". That story is sad as fuck. 🫗

@kaiservenom - I take 3 a day (235lbs) about an hour before bedtime. It's get off work, light hookah, pop pills, chillax, & sweet dreams.

After a few weeks to a month of this regimen, I noticed better brain function. I felt sharper, fresher, and like a younger version of myself - mentally nimble. No complaints at all.

I was watching a Netflix doc on fungi at some later point, and they mentioned Lion's Mane stimulates neurogenesis (growing new brain cells). If true, that's pretty damn cool. 🍻

@basedbagel - I'm going with physical media (got the hardcover). I'm anticipating an extended lights-out sort of scenario. And I may be over preparing in that regard, but better over prepared than under-prepared.

Physical copies of couple survival books is an excellent start. It's never too late to take a step in the right direction.

Cheers! 🍻

@fal1026 @Tfmonkey - Given it a lot of thought - a list of things that likely won't exist post-collapse:

Public Service announcements
Awareness campaigns
A police/surveillance state
Public schools (where one can report to a teacher)
Reporting hotlines
Foster care

And knowing people, there's bound to be someone in any community who says "this is my culture".

Tentative solutions for a community:
Molest someone else's kids: beheading
Molest your own kids: GTFO.


I've been putting a library together, one book at a time, for the preservation of knowledge and culture, in the post-collapse. Just sort of doing my best, to save whatever is worth keeping.

Just picked up my copy of "The Way of Monkey". 👍

@37712 @nice-nigger @Tfmonkey - indeed! An absolute hell of a world.

We will make it better. 🍻

@Tfmonkey - I don't mean to draw your ire.

I seek solutions for a problem, and will entertain unpleasantries to find them, if need be.

The duality of life is such, that giving someone a chance to do right, also means giving them a chance to do wrong. How can that be done while minimizing harm?

Food for thought.

Or alternatively, when you're beheading offenders... Don't forget to behead their victims too.

@Tfmonkey - I'm brainstorming in public. Not every thought is a winner.

But I see abuse as coming in different flavors, according to motivations of the perpetrator.

This idea, or some kernel of it, may be helpful for a younger male, at a crossroads. Should he be there? Ideally, no.

Men can't sit on park benches alone in public, and maybe there are unforseen consequences to a young male raised in such isolation - idealization & fantasy run amok?

@Tfmonkey - I agree with the broad strokes. I guess I have a vested interest in ending the negative consequences.

I have an eye to the rebuild effort in the post-collapse. And this topic is a tough one, not in terms of defining right and wrong, but in determining cause and effect. And in terms of prevention, because the material dependency of the victims is real.

So I feel a strong sense of duty in getting that right, in the accuracy of diagnosis. I'll keep theorizing. Cheers, sir. 🍻

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