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@Tfmonkey - Funny thought: I just noticed the implication there.

It may be that the best approach for preventing someone with a loli attraction, who may be considering an attempt to indulge their fantasies with real children... would be to have them spend time with real children, as a means of dispelling their fantasy notions. I wouldn't lock them in a dark closet or anything, but under supervised/public conditions, it may be the best cure... 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️ Familiarity may breed contempt, as they say.

@Tfmonkey - Working theory: post pubescent female minors, display behavioral traits of femininity that used to be found in grown women - and they have tits. So, count another casualty to gynocentrism and the missing pimp hand.

Attraction to prepubescent females, is tougher to figure out. So far, I put that in the serial killer category - a certain small percentage of loose screws, that like the poor, will always be with us.

@Tfmonkey - Would there be some venn diagram overlap between cny enthusiasts and actual pedos? I'm sure.

But being one of either category, doesn't mean a person is necessarily the other as well.

Just a thought. 🤔🍻

Edit: I've heard TFM's views on losing respect for people. So I'll volunteer the reason it's an area of interest for me. I was raised in a house with horrific sexual child abuse, & very real consequences. My larger aim, is to get to the bottom of why it happens. Also, I like anime.

@Tfmonkey - If I may offer a small distinction for consideration: I understand CNY refers to anime lolis, right?

I've been around a doujin manga or two... and lolis are nothing like actual children - in demeanor and behavior that is. My point being: lolis ≠ children.

Lolis tend to be little sexpots and pinups, sprung forth from the imagination and a pen. Whereas actual children are generally needy & annoying little shits (that require immense investment to be turned into functional adults).

@Tfmonkey - Would there be some venn diagram overlap between cny enthusiasts and actual pedos? I'm sure.

But being one of either, does not necessarily mean a person is also the other.

Just a thought.

@thor - step one is knowing yourself. Step two is knowing that the world doesn't think as you do. Step three is finding a way to reconcile that.

Cheers, and Good Luck. 🍻

@freepatriot - Man, the US has a lot of laws. Funny how we always need new ones for "our changing society", but old ones never seem to become obsolete. 🤔

The law code is so complex and byzantine, that we are no longer a society under the rule of law. Instead, we are a society under the rule of lawyers.

@furgar - Oh shit. I liked diamond and silk. They reminded me of home. 😟

@freepatriot - Looking forward to it. 🍻

It's like an enema: it's a shitty process, but sometimes necessary.

@Tfmonkey - Hey! Celestina's looking pretty good!

It's funny... How she seems to get better looking in time, and meatbag broads don't. Defying the the wall. ✊🍻

@basedbagel - I've heard a tentative theory that makes sense about a decade ago...

The gist is, that male gayness is a byproduct of a gene that is beneficial in females. Supposedly it contributes to a personality type that is happier, and generally more pleasant to be around. It's along the same lines as the sickle-cell anemia gene. It can cause problems for some individuals, but overall, is more of a help than a hindrance.

And gay dudes are generally much more pleasant company than dykes.

@furgar - I don't see any tile-pattern match.

The kid pics are bad, no doubt. But I can't see the connection. 🤷🏻‍♂️

@basedbagel - It builds character.

I recently had a love that ended badly - which I expected, but it still hurt immensely. I was reflecting on being held captive by my heart (useful shorthand for limbic system & associated neural pathways).

And I realized that philosophically, there is no point in having a heart that is subject to one's will. And life would be much more meaningless, without the pain that can bring.

Perhaps something similar applies to the families we are born into. 🤷🏻‍♂️🍻

@spectre - Human nature is tragic. Society was invented and developed to compensate. When society malfunctions, the tragic nature of humanity is revealed.

Recognizing the tragic flaws, is the first step. It's obviously clear to you... But sadly, we share this blue marble with countless ignorant apes.

We can rebuild better. It's the best that can be done.

@basedbagel @houseoftolstoy

"Chucklefuck"... I just love this particular insult. Just imagine the scene... we've all seen the Hollywood sex-scenes... Missionary, looking deeply into each other's eyes... and then it happens: "Hu-Huh 😲".

🤣🤣 It's such a ridiculous picture. And the perfect insult for some folks.

@spectre - I was just wondering this exact thing recently, and I arrived at "bigoted" (as strictly defined, not as overused).

Though it's possible that bigotry is related to being manipulated. 🤔

But it's an interesting and very relevant line of inquiry.

@spectre - important to note: generally, agriculture can be pursued in the eastern half, using only rainfall, without irrigation. Not so, in the western half.

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