@shortstories @Tfmonkey - I'm not at all surprised about sex abuse in cults - or religions. Both are a means of power.
And one of the biggest reasons to pursue power, is access to sex & reproduction. For a pedo, it'd be all the same.
In my ideal post-collapse society, in-group females would only ever have one partner: their husband. And their fathers (or guardians) would choose their husbands (up to 10yrs older). Females would be eligible at 16. No-sex courting (negotiations) starts at 15.
@shortstories @Tfmonkey - Why only banishment for someone's own kids? 🤔 Well, false accusations are so common, and you can't reverse a beheading. But if someone ends up exonerated, you can always un-banish them. And in such a case, the false accuser would be banished instead at the discretion of the victim (a father may not wish to banish their child after exoneration - so that would be up to them. Though something tells me a husband would be much less forgiving of a treacherous wife).
@shortstories @Tfmonkey - I have suspected much the same for a long time. I'm an avid student of history, and it's not hard to find accounts throughout the ages. I think it's just part of the human toolbox. The problem, is in the act, and the consequences of the act. So for that reason:
High IQ + impulse control + not committing the crime = no problem
Committing the crime = problem
Problem is addressed by beheading for targeting someone else's kids, and by banishment for someone's own kids.
@Scubbie - Christianity's a helluva drug... 🫠🤪😶🌫️
(But that's a sufficient amount of propaganda, I reckon 🧐)
@37712 @Tfmonkey - Just listened to the most recent Saturday show... and I gotta say: I wouldn't extend the vote for president to non-veteran but draft eligible.
I get the philosophical argument, but my reasons are practical. They just don't know. It's one thing to be eligible for the draft, and another thing entirely to have actually served - and dealt with all the bullshit. And simply being draft eligible, might as well be normie - so they can be persuaded to vote for stupid candidates.
@37712 @Tfmonkey - My understanding is that in the unlikely event that a woman is a net-taxpayer, or a military veteran (in a meritocratic military without gendered recruiting quotas, or reduced female fitness standards)... then she would have the right to whichever vote is appropriate.
Though of course, I could be mistaken. 🤔💁🏻♂️
@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey - I saw the headline in other sources, but didn't bother reading the story.
That is some very interesting homework. Seems this teacher was fired for provoking thought - can't have that. 🙃
Very enlightening.
@shortstories - Don't forget about the fourth party: her circle of "friends". If they're female, then they're asking her why she's wasting her time with you, because they're jealous they don't have such a man. If they're male, they're asking why she's wasting her time with you, because they want to fuck her.
GFs and wives should really be property, in order for any of this society business to work.
@ButtWorldsMan - Getting numbers is easy... https://youtu.be/Gh3AZit48Uc?si=9ScrX7mdtaHmaqWy
@shortstories - I try to dehumanize the helpless masses, so that I don't have to mourn their inevitable loss.
@shortstories - I can buy it.
But I take care not to get emotionally invested in such things. Our society is too-far gone, and beyond help. The people who need help, are too many, and too persistent in their chosen helplessness.
So I let go of the things we used to have in common - such as being "American". I focus on me, those few people I know in real life, and on improving our own situation in anticipation of hard times to come.
@shortstories - the rainbow flag makes me think of leftist, infantile & helpless, sympathy manipulations... 🥃
@shortstories - Ah! Can't say I've seen it... but yeah, that's probably right.
All the niche lingo these days is just another sign of social fragmentation. I'm betting on extreme balkanization, personally. 🍻
@37712 - I think if that ever happened, in this social climate, things would spiral out of all control very quickly. The authorities would probably quickly try to put that genie back in the bottle, but to no avail.
I think it be the purge. 🍻
@shortstories - Well, this question feels like a trap... 🤔😂
@shortstories - in-group status will be determined by tax-status, and general contribution to the community. I expect it will be entirely male. And in-group status (perhaps "citizenship") will come with many legal benefits and rights.
Out-group people (the goyim or kuffar), will certainly be third class (second-class would be the non-citizen dependants of citizens - wives and children).
Anyhow, I think Christianity is doomed by its own logical flaws.
@shortstories - To be clear, I don't like it. And I prefer that people live together peacefully, without pushing their own beliefs onto others.
But there's no denying that the civilization which has tried that, is currently dying. So, it becomes a case of: if you can't beat'em, join them.
I don't plan to be Muslim. But I plan to incorporate that concept of in-group vs. out-group. It won't be based on religion or race (I plan to have a pagan community, and I'm a mutt). But instead, ➡️
@shortstories - I don't talk about such things offline, because there's really no point to it, and it would be a waste of my breath.
As far as Judaism teaching the enslavement or extermination of anyone who isn't Jewish... 🤔 If that's true, then they're not very good at it. I admit, it could be true, for all I know. I've never looked into it.
But I plan to adopt a similar attitude someday. I'm not inspired by Jews, but by Muslims. They're good at that. 😂
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
- Carl von Clausewitz
@shortstories - Nice! 👌