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Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted

We stopped inflation through the inflation reduction act, price controls, downward revisions, and manipulated reports!

Zeb boosted

@Zeb @UncleIroh it’s like the assassins creed series where there’s a 1000 years war between Templar’s and assassins, but instead of Templars it’s jews and instead of assassins it’s literally everybody else through history

Zeb boosted


My mistake, the crown has been taken. You're benched for now white women.

Zeb boosted

ServiceNow has a global outage. I suppose someone should open a ticket for that.

Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted

Very convenient government program that comes right after the UK and other EU promise to arrest any online dissenter.

Zeb boosted

Trump is given talking points that they know you'll like, but when the chips are down and it's time to actually do something, the orange messiah shows his true colors and defaults to the swamp.

Zeb boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.