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Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted

Germany has reached levels of fat bitch cope I thought america would first achieve.

Zeb boosted

So apparently Putin's mother is Jewish...

Wish I could confirm the legitimacy of this document, but this sure explains Putin's actions, such as his obsession with "Neo-Nazis", the story he told about growing up in a Jewish family, his small hat trips to Israel and his connections to Chabad Lubavitch.

There's a reason why all the "Alt Media" controlled opposition, like Alex Jones, is shilling Brics and Putin, because they're kosher.

Zeb boosted
I knew they would regret abolishing male only spaces. I just didn't know what form it would take. Only the scholars of the Taliban seem to understand this issue in terms of public policy.
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Whomp whomp
>inb4 da jooos soobberted our pure, most trad wamens.
No, simp fgt. Yid subverted you and your daddy and his daddy, who took bait of equality and wamens empowerment and sending daddy’s lil princess to Uni and letting her have careers so she can be a stunning n brave childless whore boss bitch.
Stfu. Stop whining, get w your based Xtian frens and start forming sharia patrols and btfo holes out of workforce and schools
Like Taliban did

Telegram founder arrested by France due to lack of censorship. Let's see how long until he disappears into guantanamo.

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Zeb boosted

Send me occult conspiracy charts and obscure arcane knowledge anon

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Rare news reports of Osama Bin Laden denying responsibility for 9/11.

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I remember a YT content creator named Bald and Bankrupt had to make an apology video to the Chechnya authorities for calling the women there "chicks". 🤡

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