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Zeb boosted

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

Denis Diderot

Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
>Russian officers thanked Ukrainian officers for being so corrupt that they located spare parts for Ukrainian planes and missiles.
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
Zeb boosted
When you see shit like this, you understand just how brain rotted the current managerial class really is.
Zeb boosted

This had me crying with laughter. Then I dried my eyes and remembered that her vote is equal to mine. Still funny though.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.