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Watching the Putin interview here are some thoughts 40m in

1. Putin knows our country is subverted and they're not scared of us. This is BAD news.

2. Putin dissed Tucker live on air suing he couldn't make the cut for the CIA. LOL I know he's a media guy but he isn't have to just take that diss.

3. Putin sees China as their only real threat. This has terrifying implications

4. This is one sharp boomer and it makes me even more embarrassed of our "president"

I know it's annoying but let these hoes keep crying wolf about rape with

One of these days there's going to be a string of real rapes and noone will care

I just found out how to block those annoying login with Google pop ups with unlock origin.

Whoever the devs are do the Lord's work.

@basedbagel I know it’s weird but I said no. You can tell me that I work more time for less money but here’s the thing: not everything is money in life. Experience, the people you meet, the memories, all those things are worth more than being stuck for a certain amount of time against a certain amount of money.

Why do people think labeling emotions = winning an argument?


Person A: "2+2=9

Person B: "No you idiot it's 4!"

Person A: "You're just angry and bitter. You know I'm right and that's why you're so upset right now"

It really irks me when I hear this nonsensical logic

@basedbagel The part of this that works is women never being outside without their husband or a male relative supervising them. Because most rapes aren't actually rapes. It also puts a stop to adultery and feminism.

Bagels simple solutions:

My simple solution to rape I stole from Muslims:

Assign every man to supervise a woman.

Criminals are cowards and won't riskit when there's a man around.

If it does happen you have 2 witnesses.

This would protect both women and the falsely accused.

Too bad it'll never be implemented

Would you go to jail for 5 years if you got 1.1M dollars when you got out?

So a rising football star got his career ruined and spent 5 years in jail for a false repe allegation.

The bitch sued the school for not protecting her and won a million bucks.

She then admitted she made it up 5 years later and he was able to be free.

1. Why do people take plea deals if they know they're innocent with such heavy charges like rape?

2. I'm convinced they aren't going to give women jail time for false allegations as a way to control dissenting men. (Julian Assange, Tate)

@basedbagel I think the best way to appreciate an employee is to give them compliments amongst their employees & giving them more money

If you feel underappreciated at your job:

Remember recognizing top talent IS a talent.

Not enough people get this.

One of my stretch goals as a creator is to make timeless videos you can watch years later and still enjoy/learn from.

I'm proud of what I've made so far but I doubt any of it will last the rest of time.


Not just salemen.

They are actively working against their hippocratic oath in the service of money and status, and they are willing to sacrifice the lives of infants to do it. That is why I call it evil.

4. Honest social circle privilege.

I know a guy who has had the same group of friends/family for over a decade.

They all hang out and do business with each other and don't have to worry about trust.

Meanwhile I've been betrayed and lied on more times than I can count by the people closest to me.

Had I never been betrayed id be MUCH richer and have less trust issues.

Woe is me.

Thank you 🙏 for reading my story!😭

Please send kleenex and small 🎻 to my addy: P. Sherman 42 wallaby Way Sydney

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2. Sane family privilege

Alot of us would be further along in life if our unhinged family members didn't get in our way or abuse us for their amusement.

3. Old 💰 privilege

Some never fail because no matter how bad they screw up they can make a phone call and get out of it (Think Hunter Biden)

I never had the "college experience" since I was working my ass off and studying to keep my scholarships.

Meanwhile old $ nepo babies had the time of their life and got hooked up with a job

Woe is me

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Since everyone is making up privileges I want to throw my hat in the ring.

1. Favorite child privilege- Parents unequally allocate resources to kids they like best.

This is unjust as kids can't control how much their parents like them.

Ex. My sister dropped out of school to be a prostitute and my family still supports her.

Meanwhile I'm the black 🐑 of the family due to my crazy conspiracy theories.

Woe is me

The concept of "pretty privilege" is stupid.

People are attracted to signs of good health and good genes.

Having good survival instincts doesn't make you a shallow/terrible human.

It's quite the opposite.

I know it sucks to watch but getting mad at pretty people having it easier is like getting mad at someone in Mario kart for getting a speed boost.

It's only temporary and in the long term doesn't mean much

Bagel conspiracy:

Fat acceptance is population control.

Why would you promote an unhealthy lifestyle that leads to death and have plus size models.

We banned cigarette companies from advertising bscause of the adverse health effects but obese models are EVERYWHERE?

Sounds like depop to me

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.