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My only issue with this Asia is the future meme is that they are WAY too submissive.

If they became a bit more freedom loving and government hating they'd be perfect!

Meeting in the middle of right and retarded doesn't make you balanced, it makes you half retarded.

For example, getting only 1 shot of the vaccine...

The truth isn't always in the middle

I highly recommend travel to see what life is like without a social safety net.

My mudblood normies get sick and are out for days/ a week.

I got sick and I bounced back in a couple days lol PUREBLOOD STRONG!💪

I'll never forget all the insults and snide remarks I got over this vax.

"They laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at them because they're all the same"

I have the same routine everytime I get sick:

Cough syrup/drops
elderberry gummies

I'm not sure if the gummies work but they taste good so idc.

@Tfmonkey I heard that in the military your wife can call command and get you in trouble.

Is this true?

If so, what interest does the military have in personal affairs?

I just found out China has their own version of tiktok that promotes positive high IQ activites....

They just finessed us LOL

But tbh with or without tiktok our country was over with anyway.

It's too late to ban Tiktok. The time to do that was 4 years ago.

Everybody likes to bitch about their atrocities and ignore others that don't affect them so I propose a solution:

You can bitch about genocide/rape/slavery for 99 years. After that please STFU and move on with with life

If people didn't get it after almost a century then they never will.

Just to clear things up, if you KNOWINGLY fuck a tranny you're gay.

If you're tricked by a trap... you make them pay

I just watched a video of some girl getting beat by a group of people youll never guess and I don't give a solitary FUCK.

Every time you give these low iq normies real solutions they call you every name in the book and try to destroy you.

Maybe the pain of watching their kids become pinatas for immigrant children will give them a wake up call.

I see alot more people talking about the death rate of the vaccine.

But I feel like people missed the point.

The bodily sovereignty got turned into a partisan issue.

The state should NEVER have a right to tell you what to put in your body.

But of course no one cares unless it's their people doing the tyranny.

I can't tell if female athletes didn't see this tranny train coming as the logical extension of their philosophy and are genuinely shocked seeing women erased from sports.

Or are they well aware and just whining because their bullshit ideology is hurting them now?

It's getting harder to tell stupidity from malevolence these days but either way I'm lovin it!

What do you guys think?

Warren buffet and Charlie Munger are in their 90s and eat peanut brittle, mcdonalds and cocacola daily.

How the hell is this possible?

All these rich people whining about the damaging psychological effects of social media is comical.

If I was rich and strangers comments bothered me you would never catch me on social media

I'm feeling better and now I'm curious, what moment woke you up to America's decline?

Mine was the Snowden leaks.


I went to walmart to buy some cough syrup as one does when you're sick.

I got an alert that said "ID verification needed"

I told the associate that this must be a mistake as all I was buying was cough syrup.

She said" You'd be surprised" and overrided the ID for me.

So I did some digging and found out braindead suicidal zoomer junkies are using COUGH SYRUP to get high to the point where stores require an ID for it.

It's called "robo-tripping".


Fuck a social credit score we need a class system.

All the unambitious brokies can live for free in their bug pods.

Those of us who are producers can be left to our own devices

You could even set it up to where once you become a net taxpayer (not that hard) you rise up in the ranks

You know something funny?

My original plan with the vaccine was to wait a few years and then take it if noone died.

Then I went to Youtube and and while most Youtubers cucked out enough of them didn't to give me pause.

Who you choose to listen to is CRITICAL

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.