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I just got a harsh reminder on why I dont go on federated anymore...

I just took a shit so big it clogged the toilet without any toilet paper.

Lord have mercy

My double boosted normie boomer parents want me to come visit hem.

I know theyre going to die soon but they're insufferable to talk to and kinda crazy.

Do you think I should pay them a visit?

DO NOT overdose on elderberry gummies.

I ate 6 because they tasted good and it made me horny as hell.

You've been warned

I'm trying to touch grass more and use the Internet less.

but it's next to impossible for me to have interesting conversations outside of the Internet.


@UncleIroh I'm still looking into it at the moment but there's definitely some funny stuff going on with Zionist Jews specifically.

I still think the root of the problem is welfare and women's rights, but the fact that you can't even TALK about obvious things like jewish influence in media without serious backlash gives me pause.

The best investments I've made in the past 90 days:

1. Air purifier: Most people live in the city so your air quality is probably shit.

Ever since I got an air purifier my allergies went away.

2. Gigabit internet: If you work online you should have the fastest internet you can afford.

In 2023 I don't have time for buffering.

3. Essential oil diffuser

I know it sounds gay but it makes your house smell good and I find them relaxing.

What's the craziest thing a bitch has said to you sober?

Here's my top 3:

3. Some bitch told me a gay fanfic she wrote of me and my friend in gory detail while I was EATING.

I almost lost my lunch. 🤢

2. "I wanna eat cock!" - A bitch at my UNI says randomly.

I was speechless.

1. "Am I RAPEABLE?" -

A pint size girl said this to me calmly like she was asking the time of day.

I sad "WTF did you say?!" and she DOUBLED DOWN asking me again.

CRAZIEST shit I've heard to this day! 🤯

I'm happy to report that a dickhead who tried to exposed my opinions on women's rights is now fully vaccinated.

"Vengeance is mine says the Lord."

ALWAYS have a contract.

I had a client that for some reason just refused to pay me out of the blue after being unresponsive.

I'm going through arbitration right now but DAMN it's expensive.

I almost wanna just say fuck it and let it go but I'm in too deep now.

Even if I win I'll only get about 1/3 of the money I should have.

I know I should pick my battles but what can I say I'm petty about my money.🤷‍♂️

I bet you won't hear any business "guru" talking about this.

Such is life.

Former president Trump just got indicted for paying a pornstar to shutup.

She talked anyway and broke the NDA yet he is the one being indicted.

I know it's political and they wanted to get him anyway, but this is further proof women can't lose.

If you're still with a woman after she calls the cops on you you're a DUMBASS and you deserve what you get.

Thanks to this goofy ass Duluth model if the cops are called you're going to jail even if it's YOUR house.

Bitches know this and can use this tactic to rob/manipulate you.

Also even if the bitch changes her mind the state can pick up the case and then you're in real trouble.

TLDR: Don't cohabitate with a woman or tolerate her calling the police on you.

I recommend having some pepper spray if you're a guy. Why?

1. Noone expects you to have it so it gives you an element of surprise in a fight.

2. It can delay a crazy bitch trying to attack you without leaving any marks so you can run away.

3. It's a fantastic way of getting rid of homeless people and wild animals.

For 10$ I think it's a worthwhile investment.

I keep hearing about how social media, GMOs and propaganda made everyone retarded.

But I suspect most people were a bunch of stupid cowards and have been throughout history.

I know alot of people were lied to but do you really need to be TOLD that you shouldn't trust the gov?

Social media was censored but they haven't banned any books so the information is out there if you want to find it.

Passports were supposed to be a temporary thing during WW1... It's now been expanded and is never going away.

The Patiot act was supposed to be a temporary thing during the war on terror. Its now been expanded and is never going away.

I have no reason to believe the power they took during covid will be given back to us without a fight.

One of the few women I respected was Helen Keller.

Unlike most women she

1. Overcame a struggle
2. Produced something (books)

Well I just found out she was a commie...

Needless to say I no longer respect Helen Keller

My dad keeps on getting boosted as he's glued to the TV terrified of every new variant...

I remember seeing an old friend of mine post that he's excited for his wedding.

I was toying with the idea of warning him of the dangers of marriage until I realized he's in Asia now....

So I gave him well wishes and went on my merry way.

Top 3 countries I'm thinking to move to 2023:

1. Thailand
I have people I know there
The weather is fantastic
Cost of living is on point

2. Brazil
Weather's warm
Great food
Excellent for my work

3. Mexico
Weak central gov
Dirt cheap to live
No Vax bullshit when covid was around

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.