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It's never not funny that people expect politicians to be better than them and do what they can't.


The North understood the art of war and didn't go for a defensive prolonged struggle.

Everyone in the union was on one accord: "Preserve the Union at all costs" ̶M̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶f̶i̶t̶s̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶s̶l̶a̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶a̶x̶e̶d̶

This was not the case in the south as since every state was sovereign they each had their own reasons which led to a lack of cohesion.

The fatcats bankrolling the war wanted their tax free slave profits while the rank and file southerner was fighting for states rights.

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3. There wasn't a snowball's chance in hell of the south winning the war because:

3.1 they had no foreign recognition

3.2 They had inferior infrastructure and manpower (see #2)

3.3 The Union had superior strategy. cohesion and better propaganda.

Since the Union successfully linked the south to salvery (even though the north had slaves too) nobody wanted to ally with them.

Knowing all this why did they continue to fight so hard? STUBBORNNESS

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2. They refused to let blacks fight until they were already losing the war aka too late. Why? Illogical prejeduce.

I don't like Lincoln but he even admitted himself that black soldiers were a key asset in winning the war.

Lincoln was still racist but put his own feelings aside to be pragmatic unlike the south.

The funny thing is during that time blacks and whites were mostly segregated so how they had such strong negative opinions about people they barely saw is beyond me.

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I'm tired for getting trolled for having common sense and being objective.

I'm starting a new series Inspired by @Scubbie and Ryan dawson called:

"Bagel was right: Tales of Treasonous Sore Losers"

My thesis is simple: The problem with the south was and stillis their hubris, prejeduce and stubbornness.

1. They thought the union was going to lose ~50% of their tax revenue and just let them secede. Why did they think this? Hubris

Now if there was a study that HBCU grads led to more plane crashes then he would have a point.

But hyperfocusing on IQ is not the answer.
Noam Chomsky is a GENIUS but that didn't shield him from his trash ideology.

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I still like elon but he needs to get off twitter/4chan.

The powers that be are all patiently waiting for you to fuckup and what do you do?

Make some dumbass tweet about DEI. 🤦‍♂️ Such an autist!

Pilots are NOT tested for IQ.

They are tested for their dexterity, hand eye, coordination, 20/20 vision etc.

I saw a video of a FEMALE that was a pilot and they have worst reaction times/dexterity so if they can do it anyone can as far as I'm concerned.

If she still chooses to be a hoe after 18 or engage in any degenerate activity I will quietly disown her like Mia Khalifa's parents.

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This is my plan if I have a daughter:

1. I WILL NOT raise her in the west.

2. If she doesn't have a special skill or talent, when she turns 18 I'm handing her over to a man and he will pay a dowry.

3. She will be home-schooled and watched like a hawk to make sure she doesn't get any bright ideas.

4. She can still have fun participating in church activities and such but she will NOT go to college (unless #2 is true).

Let me know if I missed anything or if you have any critiques.

Serious question to Trump supporters:

What are you expecting him to do if he manages to get re-elected?

He already lost my trust from:

1. Not pardoning the Jan. 6ers (Yes they're idiots but they're still his people)

2. Cosigning operation warpspeed

3. Letting the Stimmy $$ roll

I just don't see how anyone can trust him anymore.

I don't think men innately handle rejection better than women.

I think men are FORCED to handle rejection well because it happens so much you have to or you go crazy.

If women had to handle rejection often at an early age they would be less cunty when they don't get their way

I finally figured out why I was so trash at pickup

I HATE smalltalking with females.

I think females must have picked up on on my lack of interest in the conversation and took it personally.

I never understood why I had to do all this extra shit when we both know what I'm here for.

I have friends that can talk to females for HOURS and never get bored and TBH idk how they do that because that sounds exhausting.

Everyone knows hoes will do almost ANYTHING for attention.

As far as I know none have resorted to terrorism.

The unabomber is WORST than a hoe no joke.

Ted Logic: "I must kill innocent civilians, its the only way people will pay a]attention to me."

What. A. Bitch!

If you wanna bomb someone why didn't he bomb the people responsible for his suffering under the MKULTRA program?

Idc how good his ideas are having a high IQ doesn't make up for cowardly terrorism.

@basedbagel rather than the meme including a FBI agent, it should include a big pharma agent lol



Dozens of lawsuits against the manufacturer of Ozempic and Wegovy weight loss drugs claim they caused life-long injuries, and users were never informed of the risks.

One woman will suffer diarrhea for the rest of her life, while another vomited until her teeth fell out.

The manufacturer of rival drug Mounjaro also faces at least ten lawsuits.

Source: Daily Mail

I just found out you can mute words so mastodon is about get ALOT more fun!

Why does green tea relax me while every other caffeinated beverage hypes me up?

Makes no sense but I'm not complaining

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.