@VooDooMedic @dander @mrhorsetwat it's telling that this barely makes the news. You would think this would be a bigger deal.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @dander @mrhorsetwat 380 officers and enlisted can’t be covered up as a training exercise, once casualties start to be reported,invest in auto mounted American flags Hencho in Mexico

@dander First the Taliban TWRA. Now the Houthis are literally fighting America and winning. Senpai, I'm reading to wear the towel on my head.

@mrhorsetwat @dander @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic It took me a lot of time to get into it. At first I heard about it and I wasn't interested but I came back to it a few years later.

Here's a video if you want to discover it in a funny way:


@Lorgar @mrhorsetwat @dander @VooDooMedic it's a bad time to get into Warhammer anyway as they are becoming actively woke.

You're better off just skipping it.

@Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat @dander @VooDooMedic Nooo, the woke message will be warped by chaos in 40K.
All the female space marines will be turned into Daemonculaba and when SJWs cry they will be told by Emperor's Children that they are not being incluse with the Slaaneshi space trannies! Holy warriors of Slaanesh with their festering open wounds full of nurglite worms!
The feminist invasion of 40K will end up just like the abyssal crusade!

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