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@basedbagel The main thing he likes to do all the time is watch TV, and that is something that is a lazy "hobby" to have. Veruca Salt also bitched at her parents, but the root of the issue with her is more about greed than wrath. I don't think wrath is the stronger trait with Mike Teavee either.

Also, for this theory to be officially true, I would want to know what Roald Dahl would have said about it. Maybe he never mentioned it, but him saying so would most certainly confirm it.

@basedbagel It is? Let's see.

Augustus Gloop - Gluttony
Veruca Salt - Greed
Violet Beauregarde - Pride
Mike Teavee - Sloth

Don't know who would be Envy, Wrath, or Lust. But 4 of them at least seem to fit. Though I would have wonder how you came to finding this out. Was it on your own, or was it from some other source? Because this is the first I have heard of this being a thing.

@basedbagel A clarification should be made with the "money cannot buy you happiness" statement. Having enough money will make you happy up to the point where you have your needs met. But once you have your actual needs met, having more and more money stops bringing happiness.

If you cannot be happy when making 100K a year, you will not become happy just because you are making 200K. If you think that extra money will make you happy, you need to ask yourself what you are really missing.

@dictatordave @basedbagel @shortstories I am not saying 10 minutes worth of running makes a huge difference, but rather just placing that as a general unit for how hard you have to work to burn calories versus how easy it is to eat a lot of calories.

I lift weights regularly, and agree it is great for your health. Though I also cannot lift enough to make up for a poor diet either.

@shortstories @dictatordave @basedbagel Good point. Most weight loss is a matter of diet. Exercise can help accelerate weight loss, but not nearly as much a eating properly.

There is a saying I like in reference to this: You can't outrun your fork.

Just looking at the rough estimates when I run on a treadmill, 10 minutes of running is about 100 calories. It takes far less time to eat 100 calories.

Another analogy I can think of is complaining about someone who is giving general fitness and diet advice to fat people because "They will never become a professional athlete with that advice!"

If you are a fatass who just needs to learn how to eat less and exercise, the least of your worries is being one of the greatest athletes in the world.

"Look how much Michael Phelps eats in a day! Clearly eating a lot is not always bad!"

Again, you are talking to fatasses, not people on Phelp's level.

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And airline miles being a positive example for "credit card debt is not always bad" is retarded. Hey Joshua, if you are spending money with your credit card so that you can get "free airline miles," you are an idiot. Don't give me this "you are spending the money anyways." Usually, you are spending more than you normally would under the justification of getting something for "free." When you have a lot of debt, you need to cut spending. Which means credit card spending is going to be bad always.

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Another example of the same thing. "Not all debt is bad debt!" Yes, that is true. But the people that need Dave Ramsey are clearly incapable to dealing with ANY debt. You should not be trying to get into making money on rental properties if you cannot handle your credit card debt. Getting into rental properties comes with many risks, which the people who need Dave Ramsey cannot afford, as they already are in a hole.

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Videos like this piss me off. Of course Dave Ramsey's advice is not going to "get you rich." The people he is working with are those who are so far in a financial hole that they need a simple, foolproof plan to get them out. Dave Ramsey has that plan.

You should not be worried about trying out for the Major Leagues in baseball when you cannot even hit the ball off a tee. So stop huffing about his advice not making you rich, it is not supposed to do that.

@MeBigbrain @WashedOutGundamPilot You are correct. It didn't happen. He washed the feet of his DISCIPLES. That is the only occurrence. These so-called "Christians" reveal that they are not such when they get details like this wrong. A real Christian should know the Bible well enough to know what did and did not happen.

Maybe some true believing Christians will misremember things, but if you frequently get details wrong you should not be displaying any message for the world to see.

@shortstories @WashedOutGundamPilot Yes. But thanks to the current clown world social expectations, getting married "too young" is considered an awful thing to do, as you should "enjoy your youth and explore" before settling down. Of course that just leaves the door open for premarital sex. And that is no accident, but rather by design.

@WashedOutGundamPilot It is less of a red flag for a 25 year old man to be unmarried when he wants to be than it is for a woman who us unmarried but wants to be. Sure, a man can put in real effort and make this possible, but he has far more obstacles to consider than a woman in this case.

But back to the post, this woman seems to advocate for giving up even trying rather than telling people to marry younger. Which shows where her priorities are.

@WashedOutGundamPilot For a man, it is much more difficult to be in a position where you can choose to be married. You have to fight a lot harder to make yourself worth something and be a marriageable man. This is for both good reasons (you should be a hard worker that can provide for a family to be husband-material) and bad reasons (many women are picky in the most idiotic and frivolous ways).

@WashedOutGundamPilot If you are a woman reaching the age of 25 and are saving yourself for marriage and are still unmarried, you need to ask yourself if you are truly doing everything you can to find a husband. Because when you have the greatest power of choice as a young woman, you still being single indicates that you have not placed enough priority in finding a husband.

Men are a different story.

@Indignation NOW they care about Dads when a certain group is affected. Funny how that works.

@deprecated_ii Women are more likely to be memed into getting a college degree (with lots of debt), getting a make-work job, and living in an expensive city. It is no wonder they do not have "money to do anything" if a large portion of their paycheck is going towards student loans and an overpriced apartment.

And I would love to see their actual spending habits when they say they "can't afford anything." Most likely, they are spending way to much on things that are most certainly not needed.

@hachi @PNS @Wyliesau The only "genocide" happening when it comes to those who are mentally ill enough to think they were "born in the wrong" body are what they do to themselves when they sterilize themselves. Those who are "trans" are not having any children, and in fact enabling mental illnesses is what makes their genetic line end.

And I don't care about whatever fringe cases of those who are somehow still able to have children. They should not be anyways if they are mentally ill.

@Hoss @dcc @Elf @RustyCrab @gnarley_boot @Nudhul To clarify further, they are not necessarily inconsistent, but rather they are placing certain principles higher than others. Leftists "protesting" (basically just doing anything they want regardless of how they harm others because they are doing it for "the correct reasons") is considered more important than their hatred of borders. So they push the lesser ideal aside to support the more important one.

@Hoss @dcc @Elf @RustyCrab @gnarley_boot @Nudhul Most cases of inconsistencies with leftist outrage can be attributed to them simply looking for any factor they can use as a weapon against their enemies. They do not care that usually are all against restricting borders normally. They just hope that they can use "crossing state lines" as something that will get Kyle convicted for his "crime" of defending himself against rabid leftists who totally were not there for dubious reasons themselves.

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