@DW2 >now open to an idea that they had previously dismissed as right-wing propaganda
Even after this revelation, they will just go back to believing everything that the globohomo media tells them is true and still call right wingers crazy for not believing the lying hack journalists churning out obvious bullshit.
@SuperSnekFriend @Hoss @Hyperhidrosis I would have to read the article, but it looks like Dave Ramsey is laying into the parents, not the Millenials and Zoomers:
"Millennials and Gen Z living at home are a 'trainwreck' THANKS TO THEIR PARENTS."
While Dave's advice might not be that helpful during these economic times, he does not appear to think it is the fault of young people here.
@deesenaughts And it is no wonder that the fat acceptance movement is dominated by women since women would prefer to spare the feelings of obese women rather than tell them that they are unhealthy and need to change their habits before they die an early death.
@deesenaughts The concern about perception also dictates how women discuss topics. Women are so focused on tone policing that they will prefer objectively worse ideas, proposals, and outcomes just because the better idea was not wrapped in a nicer wording. It is really no mystery that women vote left more than men considering how many leftist ideas sound nice and caring no matter how terrible the actual consequences are.
@db @RadixVerum before I was ever aware of the JQ, I found it absurd that someone would be "ethnically Jewish." I would push back on that premise, because it just makes no sense to have a religion and an ethnicity be interchangeable.
The way I see it, I don't recognize the label of being "ethnically Jewish" regardless of the intentions. You cannot be an atheist Jew, as you are trying to cling to an identity that you don't truly adhere to.
@Humpleupagus @ForbiddenDreamer @deprecated_ii though seriously, being short is not a death sentence when it comes to relationships. It just makes it more difficult to even get past phase 1 of getting a date.
I know it is possible to achieve as I am also married and 5'7". But I make up for it with my Aspergers making it even harder to socialize.
@Humpleupagus @ForbiddenDreamer @deprecated_ii
>taller than you
>an elephant
So did you marry a giraffe or what? I am sure someone with more photo editing talent could make an image with this.
@Stahesh I would have assumed that they would have thought things through as well, considering how much effort they put in to install Biden. But it looks like they decided they could coast after stealing the election and did not bother to do anything else with their time. Biden could have had a graceful exit, but instead we have this.
I am giving many of the Democrat voters the benefit of the doubt that like many Republican voters they are simply voting for the least worst option. But this recent turn of events should make it obvious that the Democrat party should not be trusted.
I know I cannot trust the Republican party, but I vote for them more often as the less worse option. I am usually content if they just stay out of my way. That happens in most cases, so I am not disappointed most often.
For those who are "vote blue no matter who," I have to wonder what they think of the Democrat party these days. Surely they cannot be happy that they kept Joe Biden on the ticket in spite of the fact that they had 4 years to get an alternative.
It shows that the party is incompetent or is underhanded. That is, the latter can only be true if their plan was to demonstrate that they need a Biden replacement pronto.
Though I know many Dem voters hold their nose to vote just like many GOP voters.
@AngryWraith I feel no sympathy for this woman, because you just know she bragged about having a tall boyfriend to everyone under the sun. In fact this is an example of that bragging, with the added bonus of her being a poor victim.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.