@merchantHelios What great news! Now I can do exactly the same thing I was doing before and continue to ignore their "advice."
Life is a lot simpler when you don't care to keep up with adherence to bullshit rules.
@synapsid The NPR classical station is a part of the same beast that runs nonstop leftist propaganda, so it should not be shocking that they would do this. And along with that, if the left controls any entity, they will never allow it to be untouched by their ideology. They want to reinforce their agenda at every chance to try and get everyone to accept their libshit ideology.
> Which is the biggest reason college lowers women's birth rates?
The option that makes the most sense is the one that's missing: time and energy.
College commits their time and energy to things completely unrelated to starting a family.
Those 2 fundamental things are a finite resource during a woman's most fertile period. It's simple displacement.
@shortstories Yes, you should not be fake in order to attract the opposite sex. The message I am saying and the video is saying that you should change yourself, genuinely. You are not frauding as a fit person if you actually get fit. You are not being fake if you adopt better traits from good habits. Being yourself is more than just the various interests you may have that say very little about you as a person.
Therefore, a woman who simply makes more money does not prove herself a good woman if that money is spent too quickly. Rather, a woman shows she is a better quality woman for long term relationships if she is capable to being able to stretch out the money she has available to her as much as possible (whether it be her as a single woman or a married woman with a single/joint income).
Income alone means very little if it is frittered away for all the wrong reasons.
The overemphasis on income becomes apparent with women like the first women "you need to make more money" if the woman likes spending lots of it. Would it ever occur to her that women could simply learn to spend less of it?
Income is only part of the equation. Spending is another major part, where women are able to increase their value by demonstrating that they can find ways to spend less and save rather than just demand the man make more money.
And income requirements become far more of issue with women setting their bar based on how much they earn. Few women will want to marry a man who earns less than them. So they price themselves out of the market.
And often, a woman who is making a higher amount of money than average is not using those extra earnings to save as a nest egg to start a family, but rather to support her expensive lifestyle. A lifestyle she wants continued with a future.husband, thus increasing the "requirements."
For a family, you need a place to live, transportation of some sort, food, clothing, and many other expenses.
For women who demand far more than what is needed, it becomes clear that their "requirements" become a point of vanity. When you want more money for a bigger house, a more expensive car, going out to eat all the time, and yearly lavish vacations, the "I need a man who makes X amount of dollars to raise a family" is clearly not true.
Women often are too fixated on income when it comes to relationships. This applies to both the income of a prospective man and their own. It makes sense that they want a man who makes a decent amount of money if they want a family (no burger flipper is going to be able to support a wife and children).
But beyond a certain point, it becomes less of a genuine need and more of a point of avarice on the women's parts when they want even more income for a certain "lifestyle."
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Hyperhidrosis You will never see (relationship-minded) men have this outlook, because they know that being able to get a good quality woman is not easily done. Women, on the other hand, have no issue finding men willing to commit to them, so they think little of "seeing what is out there" since they expect that they can always go back.
Women like this should serve as an example of what not to do for other women, but will other women observe and learn?
"Be yourself" is indeed poor advice for men. Whether or not you think you are not being "yourself" as you are, "yourself" can be someone different.
Are you skinnyfat or a spooky scary skeleton? You can fix that by making yourself go to the gym. You might not always like doing that, but you will like the results. You can transform yourself into something better.
Maybe "yourself" is not good at music. Practice, and you can become a better musician.
@merchantHelios @deprecated_ii That might be possible if he means all the actions behind the scenes with that button. But when he talks about changing the color being a major effort, I get suspicious. Perhaps that would be true if there is too much middle management meddling, but the actual effort to do that should be trivial.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @pepsi_man I suspect that social media has made this a much more common occurrence, where everyone who wants to seek attention finds different ways to do it. Having "hobbies" that look good with pictures is one example.
Another annoying example is women who "love to travel," but also only do any excursions for the sake of taking pictures and do nothing more with their time once the pictures are taken.
@DW2 >more kids
We are already below replacement rate. So the "overpopulation" issue would already solve itself. But we have our government bringing in so many other people (legally and illegally), so spare me any fake outrage about our country having "enough" or "too many" people.
Not saying it is fine "as long as they are here legally," but rather that we have a large influx of people coming in even if we factored out the illegals.
@Furgar It's not even evolution according to the definition. The more accurate term would be metamorphasis.Since "evolved" Pokemon will always create offspring of Pokemon who are "unevolved."
Probably a translation error or something like that.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.