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@veff @basedbagel @matty > the democracy that voted no to buttsex in california, but was state enforced anyway?

Notice how those who claim to champion democracy never are upset about the fact that a few people in robes made a decision that was against what people voted for? Their "love of democracy" is a farce, because they only are happy when the "correct" results occur. Otherwise, "democracy has failed!"

@matty @houseoftolstoy @basedbagel this. Oh nooo democracy is dying? You mean the democracy that voted no to buttsex in california, but was state enforced anyway? You mean the democracy that takes my kid away if his teachers convince him he's a girl? Democracy, that dumps thousands of votes at 3 in the morning? The thing that doubled the price of gas and groceries?

I will piss on democracy's grave.

@matty @basedbagel While democracy sucks in itself, those that say that phrase unironically do not even adhere to their own principles. They falsify results when the people make the "wrong" choice (2020 US election) and make people vote again and again on issues when they vote "wrong" (many EU referendums which only stopped coming in when the "correct" results happened).

I just watched a video from Aaron Clarey cabout Us male loyalty in WW3 and this comment cracked me up 😂 :

"No Russian, Chinese, Afghani, Iraqi, or North Korean ever called me an incel."

@houseoftolstoy @basedbagel I'm not sure if I got all that guy's posts but they were fun. We had 2 big recruiting threads like that almost a perfect year apart. Ought to see if there's another one. They're always great for a chuckle. That one guy just had the juiciest boomerbait

@WashedOutGundamPilot @basedbagel I saved them from your posts. I just selected a few that were relevant to my point. The whole exchange was indeed great, and it shows how the very people who the system needs to be willing and able to fight are not going to be so willing.

@basedbagel I just think about the United States during WWI and WWII. Whether or not there was support for the war, the young men were far more likely to have a family of their own to care about and cared more about their fellow citizens.

But now? What is there to fight for? The "fighting for gay sex being legal in Botswana" is hardly that much of a meme, since our government seems to be applying pressure to so many countries to make homosexuality legal.

@basedbagel I recall a shill on 4chan (pics related) going on about how men should be fighting for their families and country.

What families? Many young men are not able to get a willing and marriageable woman, so they have a lot less stake in society. And if you have no family to care for, you probably also will not have strong feelings for your country either. Especially not when the government of that country shows nothing but contempt for the young men.

@Dicer @GoodBoyUV While I would advise he bulk up a bit (165 at 6 feet is spooky scary skeleton territory), it is not a shock that his sister found out that it was not him that was doing anything wrong. Many men will struggle in online dating no matter what they do.

And this experiment has been done several times, with women shocked each time that men were telling the truth about how much it sucks to try and find any success in dating.

@Dicer @GoodBoyUV >caring about the education and salary amounts of the women matches

Yep, a woman wrote this. Men care very little about these factors, as they do not get much benefit from a woman's income. Especially if that income just being used to pay for student loans and frivolous expenses. And it should be clear that "education" means very little with the high amount of fluff degrees out there.

@Curvin @deprecated_ii Even the radical egalitarian talking point of "men are at the extremes of the bell curve" shows why such a scenario will almost never happen. This comic is just like every other attempt to "get women into STEM" by showing examples of fictional women being into math and science.

But when you actually put the subject matter in front of girls in the real world, they lose interest real fast. If someone says "I hate math," it is most likely a woman saying it.

@deprecated_ii Shit like this is infuriating. Not because a of the genius woman showing up all the boys (though that is a tiresome trope), but the idea that people who are intelligent can just pull out some high level solution effortlessly in no time at all.

Pic very much related.

@sickburnbro Even worse, women who go for the bad boy type and get burned end up displacing their anger against the type of men they are hoping to "settle down" with later on, saying that "all men" are just like the ones they keep choosing.

It is like blaming the bench warmer player for losing the baseball game when he only got to go up to bat in the 9th inning when the team is losing 1-12.

Tags: historical_perspective, quote, race, politics, democracy, diversity, lee_kuan_yew
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@Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum This is one of the biggest Reddit memes that comes up whenever a "What did Barack Obama get wrong during his presidency" questions comes up. How convenient for the astroturfed libshits to bring this up because it is now convenient for them. Because Milquetoast Mitt was considered just as much of a Nazi as Trump was during the 2012 election to these people.

Never take anything a libshit says too seriously, as consistency to them is like mixing oil and water.

@deprecated_ii Most likely they have their whole application process outsourced to someone outside the company. And given that they are not the main users of this software, I can easily see them being unconcerned with having their application process working properly. After all, they get plenty of applicants as is.

At least, that is my theory.

@basedbagel If anyone insists on using the term "Common Era" (BCE or CE in either case), ask them what the reason is for distinguishing these eras. Just what could have happened at/around the year we started counting up from 0.

To some extent, this makes sense if you lack abstract thinking. If they were able to impose every part of their ideology, they would not feel one bit restricted.

Just like a hardcore Christian would not feel all that restricted if the government became a Christian theocracy. A law that says you have to go to church every Sunday? Well, the hardcore Christian is already doing that, so he would not see a difference.

Apply this to any ideology, and you can see how shortsighted many people are.

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Some commies think that they will get their worldview with some form of anarchism. Except the problem is that most people would not go along with their bullshit ideology if they were not forced to do so.

So when I call for a challenge to start having the government removed from the equation, I am openly challenging their premise that they are not about using government force. Generally, you find out that they are, but only for the things they want and against what they don't want.

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Any time a commie or socialist tells me that their ideology has nothing to do with the government forcing people to comply with their ideology, I would challenge them to support removing the government from our lives as much as possible.

Start talking about getting rid of welfare, laws that force a variety of quotas for "equality," and any other law that is redistributive in some way.

How long will it take before they tell you that "We can't do that!"

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