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@ButtWorldsMan Any parent who wants their child to be in any entertainment industry should be asked if they are willing to have their children violated for them to be a star. Because that is exactly what will happen to them, and any parent who says yes to this deal deserves a woodchipper treatment.

We were sold a whole lot of lies with the "child star suddenly goes crazy when they become an adult but we don't know why" story. Is it any wonder why so many of them messed up in the head?

When they arrest nuns for praying in front of an abortion clinic for the lost soul, faggots will reference this and say "nobody is above the law", ignoring the Government tried to plea him immunity and the judge had to tell them to fuck off.

@sickburnbro Given that 43 is the average age, the numbers of men who are older are high enough to show that way too many of them are nowhere near "fighting age." There is a reason that most professional athletes retire from palying in their 30s, and it is not because they got bored playing the game.

The comment here tries to make these men sound basass, but it shows Ukraine is not winning in spite of the NAFaggOt propaganda.

@shortstories I am well aware, and I am not taking the claim with much credibility, considering this is our state run propaganda running the news segment, and they always find the best mouthpieces for their agenda and when they are "guests," they get free reign to say whatever bullshit they want without having to own the fact that it is their own viewpoint and not just the "guest's."

Another day doing recon on lefty propaganda with NPR, they bring on a guest who talks about the "PTSD many Europeans had about the Trump presidency." If there are any Europeans or anyone who has PTSD from this, I really don't care and you can get it again for all I care if Trump "wins" (gets selected to win).

Trump hardly did that much, as he was a disappointment at best. Any trauma or fear about him being President was self inflicted. You are either a woman or a low-T male if you are afraid.

@Pain66 @Tfmonkey Being "money smart" for most people means being able to do basic math and being able to list out your expenses to determine your required amount of money. You don't even need math beyond grade school to do this.

If you are not "money smart," you are just stupid.

@Rasterman >Capitalism is the problem

Those that blame capitalism for their financial problems usually have themselves to blame for their own financial choices and for supporting policies that make what they perceive to be capitalism worse.

@TrevorGoodchild @WashedOutGundamPilot another factor to consider is that fertility is a dont use it you lose it kind of thing. if a woman had a couple kids by the time she is thirty chances are she is still ready to go for more but if she had no kids then she might be infertile by that point. especially if she was on the cock carasoal and pills in her twenties

While I suspect many immigrant groups will go back to their country if origin when circumstances get worse, those that remain will have to choose how to respond to violence. Most I assume will organize along ethnic groups to protect themselves. But it will not be them versus whites across the board, but rather them versus anyone within proximity to them.

We saw this response with Roof Koreans in the LA riots and Muslims in Dearborn during BLM riots. So it is most likely to happen that way again

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Will these additional factors make things worse during a collapse? Maybe. There is going to be conflict and violence when the decline progresses, though I am not sure that having more groups of populations will mean we will be uniquely worse off. Contrary to the existing anti-white sentiments that are present in many groups, most other groups of people do not get along with each other.

But that is just human nature. We are naturally in group focused. Only propaganda keeps whites away from this.

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When it comes to the coming collapse of many (currently) majority white countries, I see the USA in a unique situation than many other countries. Not due to the ratio of whites to non-whites or birth rates, but the number of categories of backgrounds of the groups. Most countries have their African, Indian, Middle East, and East Asian populations. But the USA has all of these plus the black population here since slavery and Hispanic population coming in from the south.

@deprecated_ii Boo hoo, go live in a cave if you don't appreciate the "boring nice guys." Because that is all the level of civilization possible if you prefer the type of man who is antithetical to an advanced society.

And what do you know? Women choosing more and more of the bad type of men is correlating right along our civilizational decline. Is it any wonder that women were not given free reign in their sexual choices for most of history?

@nierenstein >I was 130 when i was 14...sir

>130 is a children's weight

Maybe it is a child's weight if they grow up with neglectful parents that feed them garbage and make them fat like themselves. I have no respect for opinions about weight from those who are required to buy an extra seat to fly on an airplane.

Perhaps history for kids that age would not have been all that substantial, but anything would be better than "what is a family for" class. Kids should already know that, and if they don't know about that already, the class is not going to be of any help to them as the school cannot and should not be a substitute for the family that should be at home.

And I am sure that "social studies" has gotten even worse since I have been in school, with all the gay shit going on and other propaganda.

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I learned something recently about how "Social Studies" came to be a thing. Apparently, the government was trying to make up for all the damage that was being done with the destruction of the family. So thanks to one problem created by our government, we now have a mind numbing and pointless class called "Social Studies."

I would have much preferred we just had real subjects like history instead. Even in Kindergarten and 1st grade I realized that Social Studies sucked, but now I know why.

@LysanderMooner I frankly have no idea what is going on either. Perhaps this will somehow blow over or something, but what do I know? The string pullers will spin any narrative they want and can have Trump back in the office even with this if they want. But this outcome makes me think they don't want him in.

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