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Another thing I will mention is that a "lack of childcare services" are to blame for a low birthrate. Bullshit too. I remember seeing a morning news show discussing the low birth rate in South Korea saying they just need more childcare services (often government provided).

Again, I will ask anyone to give me their best example of a country with these childcare services they want. Most likely, their birth rate is below replacement rate too. So that is not the problem either.

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Every normie who blames economic conditions for low birth rates or anything related to economics needs to be confronted with questions about which country has the best economic conditions? And then you look up the birth rate. Chances are, the birth rate will be low in spite of the great economic conditions.

Repeat the process if they try to name a different country.

Also, there is never going to be the perfect economic conditions that will raise the birth rate. Because that is not the problem.

To get some perspective on what the libshit normies are getting for info, I find NPR a good source for that end. Today, they were discussing the meeting with Russia and China.

Some talking points from a faggot "expert":

"Russia does not have many friends!"
"They are in a bad situation with all the sanctions!"
"He has an arrest warrant from the World Court!"

You can only think that these things are major factors if you are a shill or an idiot. Or maybe both at the same time.

French people are still rioting over having to work for 2 more years

Forget about your passion.

Passion is too nebulous of a goal anyway.

Self determination theory is where it's at.

Focus on:

Competence- Are you good at it?

Autonomy- Are you free to work the way you like?

Relatedness- There should be a mutual respect amongst the people you work with.

Besides being a leftist propaganda piece about how 'muh insurrection' was the worst thing ever and smokescreening the actual fact that our government was hiding the truth in order to push a narrative, what else is this piece?

It is trying to lay groundwork for the government to be able to censor "disinformation," which is anything the government wants censored. And being a direct propaganda arm of the government, anything the faggots at NPR say must be true.

With media in general controlled by adverse parties, there's a lot of bad lessons being taught to men and women.

You can take your wooden sword and swing it 6,000 times per day for 10 years, but it won't help you get a single question right on a calculus exam!

Meanwhile, nobody on earth can pass a calculus exam having never learned numbers. Studying for the exam isn't evil, and nobody will pass the exam because they're just inherently good.

Yet we teach women to pursue self-improvement that's meaningless for their goals, and we teach women that they're already good enough and they don't need to change themselves at all anyway, and we teach men that their worth is set from birth and that improving themselves is evil.

Then you get stuff like this thread is about because they do want better than the losers they find themselves around, but the problem is that by demanding unrealistic men, you'll get one in a million supermen, and 999,999 liars.

Saw this list from the bike faggot's channel. Notice something about a few of the categories. Hint: think about who is more afraid of things like crime and is obsessed with status.

@Tfmonkey Before it gets too far away from when daylight savings is still fresh in our minds, want to guess which president was a strong advocate for keeping daylight savings time (as in continuing the process of switching back and forth)? You only need one guess.

The whole "indigenous land acknowledgement" that I have recently found out about has to be the worst case of virtue signaling. "We are on stolen land." Okay, are you going to give it back then? No? You still want to own it, but you want people to think you are a good person.

Not that the stolen land meme has any merit. Ownership and borders change over the years. Crying about one instance when it changed shows that you live a very sheltered existence.

Well, our system is increasingly run by women, and they’re extremely susceptible to being brute-forced into a position. Just look at gay “marriage”. 10 years ago they were split, but years of advertising and pretending that everyone on the other side of the phone screen was 100% on board with it forcibly shifted feminine consensus.

The funny part is that is exasperates the roasties/spinsters in charge that no matter what the technique doesn’t work on men. They keep telling the boys that obese women are wonderful and desirable, only for the boys to disengage from women altogether. They hammer them with sobby concentration camp shit only to hear joking and jeers from the back of the class.

You’d need to handle men differently in order to propagandize them, and our whole “everyone’s a blank slate” bullshit - that’s more like “everyone is innately female-minded, only conditioning creates masculine frames of thought” means they can’t even recognize WHY the propaganda falls flat.


@WashedOutGundamPilot @Alex1488 @DW2 60 or so years ago a study came out showing that people who went to college earn an additional million dollars over the course of their lives. the lead head boomers decided then and there that everyone MUST go to college because then everyone will earn an extra million dollars. forget that college used to be solely for passionately dedicated hard working people and elites with powerful connections. they thought if your average passionless stoner went to college then he'll magically be able to make a living off his thrasher metal hobby. and since every child is forced to make a ritual sacrifice to the demon gods of college they all have $100,000 in debt and they HAVE to get a job. sorry sweetheart you cant just be a homemaker, you have bills to pay. its satanic and there is no punishment great enough that boomers wouldnt deserve it.
Hey, anyone else smell that? It smells just like BULLSHIT.

Der Fuhrer's Canada is NOT one of the freest countries on earth.
"You wanna know where your money is alright I'll tell you. We lent it out to Indians and Chinese who started up apps for products no one wants. We took your deposits to cover those risks. We also paid whores, legal whores mind you, through social media start ups you've never heard of. We just didn't care. We never do. Do you even know what an etsy is? How about a Roku? Me neither, but I was so high on cocaine I just pushed a button and said yes. I don't even have a degree, I shouldn't even be here. I can't even count to a hundred without a calculator. Oh sure something about bonds and inflation played a part but do you honestly think I have a clue? No one in finance does it's just a big ponzi scheme and you're the bottom of the pyramid today. Now get back I have a gun."

It's a wonderful life remake 2023
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