Tags: historical_perspective, quote, politics
Source: https://images.nobodyhasthe.biz/post/1929
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I don't know how else you can say ending permanent alimony erodes the institution of marriage when these women already did that when they divorced their husbands.
This is the problem with trying to appeal to any fringe voters. Their support will evaporate the moment you enact a policy that appeals to your core base. Though I doubt that many "Republican" women are turning to the other side for this exact policy, this principle can be extrapolated for all women and all the other laws that we should not have.
Just how many stupid laws are allowed to remain just so that "we just need to win one more election" keeps happening?
Yes, someone can just inherit an already successful business or cheat using steroids. But the envious ones will assume because they are either unwilling or unable to replicate the success they see in others, they assume it is impossible to do without cheating.
Ultimately, it shows they are unwilling to do the work themselves and would "cheat" themselves if they thought they could do so without negative consequences.
What does having success in business and being able to lift heavy at the gym have in common? Both cause envious people to be upset that they are not currently doing as well as the person who built themselves up over a long period of time.
Those same envious people are unable to grasp the concept that the business owner and the swole guy took years of dedication and struggle before they got to the level they did. Rather, they just say that their success is unfair.
Education depends on the recipient having the ability and will to receive it.
People are going to do drugs.
We are not all equal. Some are rising, some are falling. Let nature work on us.
Having not been in school for long enough, I am not sure if the DARE program is still going on or how long it has not been in place. Regardless, the DARE program is the perfect example of how "education" does not solve major problems. It is not that people lack information about drugs being bad, we already know that. The people that use drugs got all that info, they just don't care.
This same principle can be applied in many other areas. So don't let libshits tell you education is the solution.
I would say "hero," but he was not simply doing this out of the goodness of his heart, but for profit. Still, might have saved some people from "dying suddenly" or "long covid."
The military is not only full of vaxed, trannies, women, faggots and dykes, but also fucking retards. @Tfmonkey
Anyone can say they do not like the current US healthcare system and say it should be improved. But when discussing solutions, if you have one person saying we should go full free market and the other saying we should have it fully socialized, then you are not going to find any agreement beyond "the current system sucks."
And besides, we see currently that both proponents think the presence of elements of each other's system is the problem while their own is the solution.
If someone I am conversing with says they also do not like what is going on with token gay characters in movies, it might seem like we agree when I say I do not like it either. But when I find out the reason they do not like it is because they think there is not enough emphasis on the homosexual character and that they should have more than a few seconds of onscreen homosexuality, then it is most certainly not the same thing as me not wanting it to be present at all.
I always cringe at the mention of "we want the same things"/"we agree on more than we disagree" when it is someone who has politics that are diametrically opposed to my own. When you want to go the exact opposite direction that I do, we are nowhere near "wanting the same things."
Having some vague "same" end goal is not the same thing as a fully implemented set of policies seen to their conclusion. Because of this, common ground is most often not found.
We will most likely see a much different world in the coming years with the decline of the United States. Many people are not ready for that.
We are not so special that we will be immune to the pattern of history where a once powerful empire falls. We too will follow suit.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.