
Woman has the solution. To turn women away from the Left: marry them and they'll become Right-wing!

@kaiservenom Damn how many neurons have die trying to follow a bitch lógica. This is fine example why They shouldn't be outside the house and stay in the house with a husband dick in her mouth SO she can't express idiotic things like this.

"Hey fellow human, sign a contract where you become my slave and give me all your stuff."

@Zeb @kaiservenom I got married. In the Traditional Christian view it’s an indispensable prerequisite for starting families. Whether those outside the Church agree with that isn’t terribly important to me, but I can see extremes in either directions being areas of vulnerability to attack by disintegrative spiritual forces.

@Tfmonkey bro, u got to look at this its the fucking jews yet again.


Some Republican women divorce men and some Republican women take men to divorce court

@kaiservenom She isn't wrong. But 'wifing women up' usually meant you could actually put them in line too. That has been changed for a long time now.

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