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Woman has the solution. To turn women away from the Left: marry them and they'll become Right-wing!

All the failures in your life, accumulate and gather interest for the future.


What was the name of that site where you put an email and it shows all the sites that email has been used on?

It had "sweet" or "honey" in its name, if I remember correctly.


When Halsey says "nigger" in a Morning Constitutional, do you edit them out?

I'm trying to find this moment involving Halsey saying "nigger" and a Mark Twain book, but I can't find it. I know it happened on the Morning Constitutional of May 22nd, 2024.

I swear to god Back to the future was written by Jews.

I really, really liked yesterday's TFM Show (May 11th, 2024).

おちゃめ機能 -Full ver.- ⧸ 重音テトSV【SynthesizerVカバー】

White boys, watch out. This is how the government wants white people to rejoin the military.

@Lorgar @ButtWorldsMan So now that the government is on the side of white men simply because it benefits Jews temporarily, you're celebrating?

This is a textbook example of winning the battle while losing the war.

Pay close attention to the "right wing" commentators and influencers who are denouncing the anti-Israel protests as "terrorists" and who support the banning of TikTok because China is "our enemy" and that TikTok is "spreading propaganda" (by not censoring pro-Palestinian content)

These people are not on your side. They may or may not be Jewish, but they are definitely Zionist jew-cum addicts.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.