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I'm looking for a standing desk. Any recommendations or things to look for?

I want to improve my racism against gypsies.

Does anyone a book or series of videos about the history of gypsies?

We're in the middle of a race between arabs and pajeets on who will get to rape all the white Western women.


Therapy is the feminist inversion of older wiser men being "fathers" or priests to young men.

A woman can never lead men, not spiritually or physically. It's a modern day heresy operating in plain sight.

Fuck therapy, it's one more Jewish psyop

@VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile Rajasthan (the rape capital of India) happens to be the ancestral birthplace of the gypsies. Mystery solved.

We're now watching Lord of The Rings The Return of the King.

Theyre going to do our job for us while radicalizing their pet minorities into our causes hahahaha
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.