@ButtWorldsMan Not a good sign when cheeks start sagging before the wall

@spectre Holy shit, I don't think I've ever seen a car this beautiful. (The ass of that Mostro, tho)

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You told us about the US, TFM, but you didn’t tell us about Australia. Here’s a recap video. The channel is awesome by the way


@furgar holy crap this is as creepy as “this is dangerous to our democracy”

@Tfmonkey BBC reality show to convince pure-bloods to get the jab. So creepy youtu.be/vlyXWdZrH9c

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They're talking about the reasons women don't have more kids, one apparently being not enough rights:

"A change in China’s laws last year to allow women to have three children has not helped, with many women saying the change comes too late and they have insufficient job security and gender equality."


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