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@UncleIroh @DoubleD @Mongoliaboo


This fucking kid is already telling his dad off and opposing his libcuck propaganda. In a couple years this kid is going to wear MAGA hat and celebrate white boy summer.

@anonmoose90 @suquili @qwerty "The AFPAC convention, which I attend from time to time is the most faggoty thing you could possibly imagine." - Nick Fuentes

@red_dread Yes. If he shot literally a second sooner, we would be in a different timeline now.


Holy crap, they are absolutely desperate.

"If it doesn't make sense, it's the CIA" - Scott Adams.

An assassination attempt is carried out against a former president and current presidential candidate, multiple shots fired, said candidate is hit directly in the ear by at least one bullet and the media has settled on calling it "loud noises" and claiming that he "fell". At some indeterminate point in the future, when we win, remember the sort of crap your average journalist pulled when they all start trying to blend in again and avoid any sort of punishment
Credit where it's due though, Trump handled this like a champ, real Teddy Roosevelt moment (though I wouldn't dare compare the two any further, Trump is a wet paper bag compared to the bull moose).

If we lived in a same nation with uncorrupted voting systems, these pictures alone would guarantee a landslide, but he'll probably still lose, whether that's for the better or worse ill leave to the more socially maladjusted to argue over.
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I hope everyone ends up enjoying their 4th of July BBQs, fireworks, parades, and time with their families. Have a good one.

@shortstories Hard to trust anything that comes out of Israels mouth, but either way, propaganda or otherwise, seems an attempt to stir up dragging US into war.
I don't understand what purpose it would serve faking USS liberty causality while Israel taking the blame.

can't iron a shirt
can't cook a simple meal
can't wash dishes properly
can't clean
can't manage money

but they're damn sure you'd be lucky to have them
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