After you realize (I'm sure Peterson has) that people are just people. As in, for the most part, you really can't help them. All that's left is to take their money nicely.
Don't hate the player.
@kaiservenom Honestly, 80% seems low. But I agree with the concept.
@sardonicsmile @houseoftolstoy government to the rescue
As simple an explanation as you'll likely find. Fed propping up banks.
Fed expects the banks to pay them back at 5% interest within a year. Or lose the asset (the obvious choice).
A quick search returned excess deaths for 2022 were 20,000 more than predicted.
Still alarmingly high. But not 30k/month
@dander In one sense, it's good she realized they fucked up the country. And in another sense, she wants someone to come and clean up their mess.
Like a woman goes and fucks up her life, 3 babies by daddys and then come back to her first ex, like I'm ready now. 🤣🤣🤣
@37712 Good video.
As tech industry was benefiting the most in the decade of low interest rates, it's natural they are the first affected. We've seen that with the mass tech layoffs also.
Other industries dependent on credit will be next affected: real estate, auto sales, travel.
How to stay off the government's radar aka how to keep your guns
The Bill Gates pivot. Very smooth Bill. Very smooth
@houseoftolstoy You can practice putting yourself in such situations
90% in 24 months is a gross exaggeration. Most people can adapt to life without electricity. Life would be different, but it's not air or water.
@VooDooMedic @houseoftolstoy As you get closer to a healthy weight, it becomes harder and more risky to lose weight at the same speed as when you were obese/fat.
Losing 21 lbs in 2 weeks. Be careful.
How to disappear completely without a trace and why most people fail
If you want a woman to realize her "errors" and be in pain for it. That's not common.
You said #1 is spot on, and then proceed to compare men to women.
1. You shouldn't compare yourself to a woman. Two different paths in life.
2. Don't try to think like a woman. You have better things to do.
3. Women always lose because women are never happy, never satisfied. Even if they say they are happy, just wait 5 mins.
@houseoftolstoy Canada is the only country I'd risk dressing down. I prioritize a hassle-free travel experience over comfort, so I rather dress up a bit and not be bothered by customs and security officials in a foreign country.
If you look like nobody, young male traveling solo, you are a prime target to be hassled.