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I didn't agree with Rush on everything but I do remember him saying that feminism was just a means to give unattractive women access to the mainstream or something like that. He also did caller abortions. He was funny and the left reeeeeeeeee'd back then too.

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Aaron Clary is shocked, SHOCKED that he's on a watch list. Notably absent from the list, @Tfmonkey , Dick Masterson, The Great One, Himself, Frank Cervi, and many others. Friends, this is nothing new. Rush Limbaugh's followers were called ditto heads back in the day and their opponents called them mind numbed robots who just followed dear leader. The only difference is the other side has the internet and government jobs now. They're the same retards, though.

casual racism implies the existance of ranked, competitive racism


Ultimate Martial
I made a video about Fredrick Nietzsche's critique on today's society .

Asks cop if he has been doing drugs and if he has been drinking on the job while allegedly standing on a police parking lot and he does not get arrested in this video

I did not correct the typo on time it should have said woman police officer singilar so that we are comparing an equal number of different types of people

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Which is the most dangerous in a bad way

1 Women police officers

2 Male bribed Police officer

3 Male police officer who likes attacking random people

4 Male police officer who has a goal of harming the well being of the community he is in for pure evil sake and not for his own benefit but in a subtle behind the scenes way that will not get him caught as easily as directly attacking random people

Which is the most dangerous in a bad way

1 Female police officer

2 Male Police officer missing an arm or missing a leg or paralyzed and requiring a wheelchair or blind

3 Male Retarded Police officer

4 Male Schizophrenic police officer

@shortstories Yes. He basically tows the party line. That is all they care about, Communists. They do not preselect on merit or competence. Just like Biden. They have so much dirt on him, they do notncare if he is fit/competent. He WILL do what they TELL him to do otherwise they will not protect him from lawsuits. They guy is a pedophile.

Woman murders her family so she can run away with Chad. Many such cases.

Mormon woman who committed & or ordered multiple murders of people who died by murder

Video Title : What A Cult Leader Looks Like

Video Channel : Dr Insanity

The latest Godcast is out!

The Godcast, Episode 288: Zoomer Women and the Church

In this episode, SuperLutheran is off to a rousing start helming the Godcast, where he discusses the absolute state of zoomettes in the Christian Church.

Are Jews the chosen people of God? No:

If you have questions about the Christian faith or just want to get in touch with us, we can be reached at [email protected]

If you’d like to support the Godcast and/or The Very Lutheran Project, you can do so here:

Myles and Super can be found improving timelines on the Fediverse here:

What percent of A list celebrities who the general public believes were born biological women are really transgender

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.