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I would still say overall the Korean is very good

The entire first unit is in very honorific style for talking to someone older than you

You can also take a class for Korean people learning English

If you take this class then you will still learn Korean as they have you translate English sentences into Korean and Korean sentences into English

But It is in a tone like the tone a Parent uses to speak to a child

They do not use a neutral tone between two people of the same age so far

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You can mark a word as plural in Korean

But there is no way to mark a word as singular in Korean without using the number 1

Any word without a plural marking and without a number could be either singular or plural when translated from Korean into English

Regarding Gender

The pronoun that translates from Korean into English as He can also translate into English as She

Same with ambiguity as to him or her when translating

The gender is unknown and not specified in Korean

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In Korean instead of

this, that and those

There are three kinds of words

Y words
A word meaning the object is near the speaker

G words
A word meaning the object is near the listener

J words
A word meaning the object is far away from both the speaker and the listener

A location near the speaker

A location near the listener

A location far away from both the speaker and the listener

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Just so you know in the Korean on Duolingo which I believe is one of the languages you listed that you studied

It does not get the following correct

The use of the following English words


It gets wrong

singular vs plural

It gets wrong

masculine and feminine

In korean

There is no Equivelent to the English words, "A" "An or "The" in Korean

There is no way to mark words as singular

Pronouns have no gender

Interesting display of dominance yet restraint.

Когда встретил грозу района)))

Inflation is too much money chasing too little productivity.

The only way property value can rise is to make improvements. That takes work not financing. That's why we had illegal covenants among the neighbors to decline diversity.

So Malchus in the Bible had his right ear cut off

Trump was shot in the right ear

Are both of these correct according to the official narratives?

I haven’t looked into it but maybe she was a tranny

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Here is a link without tracking tokens:
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Is Floremce Nightingale feminist propaganda

I find it hard to believe that she founded nursing

People were treating patients before Florence Nightingale existed so how could she have founded nursing

Galen a man treated patients more than a thousand years before Florence Nightingale

What is so special about her that she did that other women and men did not do before her in large numbers

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A club for red-pilled exiles.