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"Pregnancy and late-onset menopause
While it’s rare, women are still able to conceive and give birth in their early 50s. This can delay menopause because a woman’s body adjusts to the hormonal changes that pregnancy brings."

"Effects of late-onset menopause
Unlike early and premature menopause, late-onset menopause can actually have some major health benefits."

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When adjusted for duration of breastfeeding, researchers found that one full-term pregnancy lowered the risk of early menopause by 8 percent, two pregnancies by 16 percent, and a third pregnancy by 22 percent. Breastfeeding for a combined total of 25 months lowered the risk by 27 percent (when compared to women who breastfed less than a month).

love seeing my inbox get raped by rescheduled meetings because apparently more meetings equals more productivity (by productivity we mean wasting time)

If Turd Flinging Monkey was put in charge of the gender studies curriculum in women's elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and colleges

And had the magic power of not being fired, censored or going to jail for words he put in the curriculum

And all schools and colleges were gender segregated

And he could not stop women from going to college

But they had to take his gender studies classes to graduate

And his curriculum was only taught in women's colleges and schools

What type of education are women getting

In Elementary school there might be one science class, one math class and five politically oriented classes

That science class might be politicized about global warming

English class might be fiction literature that is political or about writing politicized essays

History & social sciences will be politicized

It has never been tested if a different type of education that is politicized differently would raise birth rates instead of lowering them

@Indignation @shortstories @Tfmonkey UMM in this case I need the receipt before asume it happens but it seems fake in the mean time.

If you rearrange the letters in

Tel Aviv

It spells

A Evil TV

@shortstories @Tfmonkey

🔻 A settler was killed and the number of injuries increased to 8 as a result of the drone strike in "Tel Aviv," according to zionist sources.

She Ordered A Hitman To Kill Her Husband (INSTANT KARMA)

The Villains


@DMA @DurpState Something occurred to me - I no longer watch it, but....

I was watching the "whatever" podcast some time back, and there's this one question that stumps all those women.

"For a man to want to marry you, what do you bring to the table?"

And they don't even think about that kind of thing enough to know how to lie about it. It totally switches their little brain cell off.

All they have to say is "provide children, and make a house into a home." or something along those lines. They'd get at least a B or B+ for that answer.

They don't even know enough to lie about it. I saw a thing not long ago - 40% of modern women can't even boil an egg.

They wonder why men just use them up.
(drinks almost all of a bottle of wine)
(does some home reorganizing)
(puts the can of roach killer next to the rest of the wine bottle)

If I never poast again, I love you guys.

They put COVID 19 last in the example because they set the example of assuming it is the underlying cause


Do not enter terminal events without showing etiology

Enter the underlying cause last

It is important to emphasize that Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate
for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

CDC dot gov


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Mainstream media using same footage of hospital for different locations.

Didi Vanh


Video Title
Woman Admits Sex IS JUST A TRAP | Briffault’s Law

Manosphere Highlights Daily


Who is usually more wise

1 A high school girl

2 A woman majoring in a college degree that is neither math, nor engineering nor a hard science who has completed some of the colleges required social science and humanities courses to make her wiser

The reason why we still don't have orbital station is cuz, the elites no longer have a vision. they only care about basic human shit.

I remember an episode Kim Possible where, Ron becomes evil, and he creates advance weaponry, to steal all the bueno nachos.

and that's basically it, why not simply make bueno nacho better, or expand the bueno nacho across the stars? it' like when rich kids decide to be productive, and the most they do it's sell water bottles


"India’s government has shut off the internet more than any other—109 times in 2020 alone"

technologyreview dot com

The number 109 is white supremacist numeric shorthand for an antisemitic claim that Jews have been expelled from 109 different countries


70% of global internet shutdowns in 2020 were in India: Report

TimesofIndia dot Indiatimes dot com

India shut down internet as much as countries Jews expelled from

Five ways to stay online during a government internet shutdown
With deliberate network shutdowns and restrictions on the rise, here’s how to stay safe and connected.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.