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As long as OIL remains king we will never advance in technology, OIL can't power next gen technology.

basic next gen technology needs nuclear fusion, OIL is 19th/20th century tech. we are SOO behind we want to use solar panels, bitch we can just make a solar panel satellite and put them close to the sun, we already have wireless charging.

@shortstories Only 80h a week make sense if you want to build your business.

Why the f you will work for somebody 80h a week.

@shortstories Today I saw this in chinese they have sentence to say I like japanese food when chinese are known to hate Japanese culture🤣

Men voting could not put the Taliban into power and Women voting could not prevent the Taliban from taking power

Debunks that removing women's right to vote would stop single mother's from getting welfare

Voting selects representative people not policy

Women always were given better treatment than men even when they could not vote so removing their right to vote would not solve discrimination against men

Seem to be the same video with two different links

link 1

link 2

Suffrage and Enfranchisement


MGTOW dot tv

In this point og the grand plan, i think we should start acting dumb. Make the normies think they are smart. If theh say the sky is green and the grass is blue, they are right.

Let them debate by themselves. While we hide behind masks.

@shortstories @PeachySummer @Frondeur
I might just be autistic enough to save a failing corporation.

I could be Quiznos's top guy.

Sandwich Hitler needs me.

You know if Biden and Trump both vowed to remove Assad this whole thing would be over with.

@Frondeur Chase believes in the FREEDOM to be yourself! In honor of Pride Month, Chase Freedom™️ automatically donates double points to support GLAAD for every purchase made at participating retailers like Subway! So go ahead, grab a footling! 😉
I've been harping on it for years but it's amazing how nobody in the normiesphere sees a problem with killing off all white collar junior positions because juniors suck at their jobs and we have convincing chatbots to replace them

you can't become mid level or senior anything without being a junior first. no juniors today means no mid levels in 5-8 years, and then what?
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.