
You're not a fighter. Now go turn sperm into babies and bread into sandwiches.

@Tfmonkey This is why I support all legal women in female sports. The truth will have its day, whether the ideologues wish it or not.

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey

From my perspective, I'm happy about this.

The best reason to force this issue to the most absurd extremes is that it shoves everyone's face in the turd of biological reality over ideology.

At that point, "equality at all costs" has to die.

The second best reason is that it's funny as fuck.

@Tfmonkey It reminds me of the handicapped "martial artists." The LARP is just sad.

@Engineer careful, he's a black belt. He might roll around and slap his nubs against your shin.

@Tfmonkey Zero pitty for these cunts

They collectly have benfited in Jews and Traitors of all nations
giving them artifcal leg over , extra handouts and special benfits
for decades

Along with demanding access to Male only spaces

Now they tables have turned

Suck shit cunts

Let me know when you entitled twats
are finally ready to remove

Female Mass Murder - Abortion
The pill
Fake up
Fake arse
Fake tits
Fake lips

No Fault Divorce
Child support
divorce settlement
Paid holidays
Paid Sick leave

Pussy Pass
Affirmactive action
female only ceo mandated jobs
hr jobs

@charliebrownau "where have all the good men gone?"

Thot 》English

"Why won't Chad and Tyrone return my calls now that I'm in my 30s?"

@Tfmonkey National statism must collapse
for a proper society reset to happen

Luckly NWO 2030 was signed off by actions of Jews and traitors of 182 nations

((( THEM))) demanding tax cattle get rounded up into smart city zones will allow goyim to setup outlaying townships without the state

Men will have to have the strength at that time
to women back in the kitchen
to increase the population

and the balls to put measures in place
when society rebuids and it gets 'safe' and 'secure'
they dont get weak
and start giving women 'rights' and 'chances'

I welcome SHTF like a warm blanket

CB Radios
PCP Rifles
Camp Fires
Hunting Missions

Men will get a chance to be manly once again
@Tfmonkey I found my life is so much better 99% of the time without females

At home

Along with not using a phone either
I typically only turn on my dumb phone on Friday and Saturdays now
Friday is pay bills and shopping days
and sat is attending community meetings
that i sell prepping items

Sun-Thursday i dont 'need' a phone at all
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