@VooDooMedic twra male attention to females is equvalent to sex to males ,also use omnichan app , vastly superior. might to be on the goystore

@VooDooMedic They are both fine. The only problem is the white knights, who go against the natural order.

Problems that will only be solved in very ugly ways.

@RoninGrey white knights on an average cannot defend the woman they seek to protect

@VooDooMedic Shaming works

I saw video how woman talked how she had tight clothes in gym. I think it was in Japan. She talked how she was shamed by japanese people. Talked how she would wear normal baggy clothes.

So shaming works. Sadly I can't find the video anymore.

@VooDooMedic In my opinion, a standard similar to Islam's standards for womens' clothing (because the intent is to hide their sexual assets) would do a great deal of good to fix the issue of females looking like whores. Be wary that shaming openly may put a target on your back, but I agree that social shaming works.

@DoubleD the problem with hiding a woman's body is you don't know if they are attractive but then again it's mainly just weight problems most women aren't trolls they're just severely overweight so they can be solved by forcing them to be skinny

@VooDooMedic Well, there are varying standards that could be enforced. You don't have to use a burqa. A hijab or a shayla still hint at her figure without letting her look like a whore. Consider your objectives. Why do you want to know if any woman might be attractive? Consider the tradeoffs. Shaming them to not be fat is also a good idea to promote health.

@DoubleD @VooDooMedic

I honestly wonder how many of the dudes in Arab countries are leading double lives by going full burqa in public.

They could even go into the female bathrooms. I'm guessing it happens way more than we think.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD eeeh they don't need to they have woman they don't need to be degenerates

@VooDooMedic @DoubleD

We know it happens already. Men over there have also done it to commit crime.

M point was in wondering the extent.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD i dont think they'd keep accurate crime statistics for things like that

@VooDooMedic @DoubleD

i'm beginning to think you don't think at all.

"..but i did have breakfast this morning"

a search for "man caught wearing burqa" brings it up. what a pointless conversation.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD i didn't even bother searching it since i was at work seemed like a super niche thing to keep stats on

@UncleIroh @VooDooMedic I'm sure there's a happy middle-ground where you can still identify the individual's sex while preventing females from advertising themselves.


I don't see the "humiliation ritual" part of it being a conscious effort on the women's part. It is just a means to get attention. While women mainly want attention from only the top percentage of men, some women may still like the fact that they gets a lot of attention in general for wearing revealing clothing.

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