@Stahesh @basedbagel @UncleIroh I tried watching that video but I could only watch half.
@Brianhere Reasoning with gynocentrists like HM is futile. All it takes is a wet poosey, and all of a sudden he converts to a feminist, golden vagina worshipping cuck, who likely salivates on the feet of his female masters. Fuck him - controlled opposition always become a fad in due time.
PUAs is an example of such failure. Clown world inbound.
Remember how I said when red pill content creators have girl friends their content gets contaminated... well here I give you exhibit A: Hoe Math giving us feminist talking points.
He's is even mentioning his girl friend in his videos, so fucking cringe.
@shortstories It would be interesting to see what the ratio of suicide is amongst men and women. Generally suicide overwhelmingly affects men especially in the West so it would be interesting to see what it's like in the East.
@shortstories I can't understand the language in these links you sent me.
And I thought South East Asia was immune from feminist laws but in the Philippines it is illegal to cat call a women.
Fuck this shit I'm getting a doll.
Oh my god these people are killing themselves in real time.
When you go MGTOW the is a certain point were Self-actualisation kicks in and I think this video best illustrates that point.
@Zeb @crimsonrealist couldn't have said it better.
@37712 @Wopu @crimsonrealist I admire your gf however the average women is not like that.
Personally I find that when you're a respected red pill content creator and I enjoy your content however now you suddenly get a girlfriend, I now consider your content contaminated and I don't drink contaminated water I have a water distiller.
So that's how I feel about Hoe Math and Think Before Your Sleep.
If anyone has any opposing thoughts let me know.
@sardonicsmile The fucking sheer pointlessness of engaging with me.
You are so dumb
@crimsonrealist Bro, got bodied.