@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey So should we just short the stock market now? Half serious.

@Mr_Mister @UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey I seriously considered it until I remembered "Rule #3) Stay away from leverage and shorting. You might be right about the direction of an asset, but your timing could be off."

@DoubleD @Mr_Mister @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

Wise words. Trying to out-guess the financial fuckery is like believing in magic right now.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @ButtWorldsMan I also do believe that they’ll halt trading because “muh systemic risk” so any money we throw in will be gone.

But on that note it may be time to buy more silver

@Mr_Mister @DoubleD @ButtWorldsMan

Silver is a great option for maintaining value. I never expect gains from silver but I never expect losses either. It just magically ignores inflation like a boss.

@ButtWorldsMan is this for real? Has joe biden really withdrawn from the race?

@ButtWorldsMan fuck this is the worst shit in the world, I really really wanted to vote for biden so that he would continue to fuck up, who the fuck am I gonna vote for now, kameltoe is pretty bad too but not as bad as mr i pooped my pants

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan Well, Trump will not be able to "fix" anything. These talking heads talking about how they were crying when they heard he got shot; thinking because they missed now they are going to win. They ONLY missed *this time*. They will not miss next time. I agree that it is too far gone for salvaging. I am not an accelerationist but I want to make a discerning vote. I don't think it will matter either way.

@sardonicsmile @37712 @ButtWorldsMan He will be better at sucking Jew cock. We need Bidet to bite that shit.

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