@DoubleD @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @kaede_waifu remember the oblivion face zoom in? Perfect time for a chat with an AI.
@DoubleD @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @kaede_waifu I don't have a waifu, but appreciate you thinking about me. All I care about now is video game integration.
@basedbagel it's just a thought terminating cliche. Like when the jew shit started a few months ago, TFM engaged in the same low IQ tactics by accusing everyone of liking jew cum. Say anything positive about jews or israel and that's it, your mouth is full of dreidel dick. End of thought.
Same when leftists just call you racist. It takes many forms & is always intellectually lazy if it replaces an argument. It's ultimately about wanting to get a point across without engaging merits.
@DoubleD Got sick a couple weeks ago. Tested negative for coof. It's just cold season.
@RoninGrey you misspelled "I got duped. If only I listened."
@basedbagel since you need a reminder
@UncleIroh @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu Didn't buy the uncensored dlc goy
@marlathetourist >the gookrean gravitates toward the hot AI korean girl