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Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted

@Senator_Armstrong This is why Warhammer 40k is better than D&D. There is no room for logic and reasonable people in the grim-dark future of the 41st millennium (diplomacy is heresy).

Engineer boosted

@Pain66 Credit scores are just another globalist weapon against the population to keep them into poverty.

Engineer boosted

@ButtWorldsMan Bitch got a free house and made all her own mistakes and is still blaming other people and unhappy despite getting a whole ass house for free.

@45b35521c312a5da4c2558703ad4be3d2e6d08c812551514c7a1eb7ab5fa0f04 How hard do I want it? I want thermonuclear holocaust! I want every major American city to be hit with at least three multi-megaton thermonuclear bombs. Then there would be no more communism at last.

Engineer boosted

@dander @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel If the Russians confirm this to be an anthrax attack this might induce nuclear escalation, but I'd wager its just a normal outbreak. The globalists might make miscalculations quite often, but using actual bioweapons against Russian civilians would be a whole other level of stupid.

@southpole21 We should encourage all leftists and progressives we know to get boosted, get more shots, and assure them that all the experts agree and the soyance is settled.

@Pain66 It is a matter of fact that 62% of women have confessed that they want to be raped.

Engineer boosted

It’s okay now they really get to live out their fantasies from those romance novels.

@Stahesh Google made no mistake, this guy is just wrong.

Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted

@zebuceta She feels inferior because she is inferior.

Engineer boosted

@Phil The difference is that I will stand and I will not take communism with me if I am forced to retreat. I have my secret plans.

@Tfmonkey Hundreds? Those are rookie numbers. Simple solution is an electric and razorwire fence and a minefield.

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