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Diet isn't about what you eat, its about what you don't eat.

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Diet is about what you don't eat, not what you do eat.

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We've isolated the variables. We've done the studies. The answer is clear.

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People kissing dogs is just so nasty to me.

I've seen dogs drink toilet water and lick their own ass.

To think that someone would kiss a dog after that make me wanna puke.

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“Country founded by rich old white men” - nah they weren’t old they just wore white wigs.

Chess is not an equal game. White wins about 13% more often because white gets to move first.

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How can I block all trashy anime pictures, hentei bots, and porn bots? I want memes and fucked up news in my feed, not porn.

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@Tfmonkey isn't it slightly suspicious that France is rife with riots following Macron's attempt to join the BRICS meeting ?

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I love what America is supposed to be, not what it has become/is becoming. I was once blind to the transformation, and I had genuine patriotism. But no more. I cannot love a country that has literal and figurative homosexuality as its highest priority. I cannot love a country that has blatantly stolen elections and a government that circumvent the 1st Amendment with "it's a private company" while actively taking part in censoring "misinformation" themselves.

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