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Yuval Noah Harari is an advisor to Klaus Schwab.

#WEF #KlausSchwab

@sardonicsmile TWRA is a bridge too far but encouraging mass suicide of the elderly is definitely more humane.

RT from Michael Wood (@michaelajwood)

China's Gold imports increased by 64% year-on-year last year, totaling 1,343 mt of gold, the highest level since 2018.

China’s Gold imports reached 157 mt in December.

China and other central banks are buying for a reason. #gold

@sardonicsmile @basedbagel or go to Southeast Asia or South America if you want to start something serious.

@basedbagel yeah it seems people have kids nowadays for extremely selfish reasons to “leave a legacy”, but it doesn’t seem like parents actually give a shit about kids or the future especially since they’re letting them get blood clots, heart attacks, vaids and hepatitis from the clot shots. Sadly most people are cowards and extremely selfish, as long as there is too much for them to lose they won’t stand up against the status quo.

I stand alone in my political views.

Why I'll never be a republican:

Patriotism (Simping at scale)
Back the blue
The Draft
Women's rights

Why I'll NEVER be a democrat:
Sexual degeneracy
Openly Satanic
Basic Economics
Gun rights
Women's rights

They can call me alt-right all they want. I will NEVER support either of these nonsensical parties.

Rejecting capitalism is rough. But hey at least there’s no whiteness LOL.

The US will add 18.8 trillion dollars in the new debt by 2033, and the government will spend as much on social security as it does on the military by 2033 and all discretionary spending combined.
Also the federal deficit for 2023 is projected to be 1.4 trillion according to CBO, and it’s going to average 2 trillion a year between 2024 and 2033.

@sardonicsmile I brought it up to make a point, maybe Pat Robertson wasn’t the best example lol, Aristotle said it best.

When Biden first took office the projected 10 year deficit was estimated at about 12 trillion dollars, according to the CBO he added 2.4 trillion dollars to the deficit making the U.S. projected longterm deficit 14.4 trillion dollars.

@sardonicsmile that maybe true but I subscribe to the saying a broken clock is right twice a day, I don’t like tradcons that much but they’re right sometimes.

Here are Yuri Bezmenov's 4 stages of Ideological Subversion:


Chemical spills in Ohio and Arizona, power grid attacks, mass livestock cullings across the gobe..

Safe to say the demoralization phase is over and the destablization phase has begun.

WTF I just saw the redacted video for today and they are talking about JK Rowling's and how she is defeating trans rights and defending women spaces WTF I thought the transgender bacon flag of victory would never be defeated.

I never want there to be a space were two women can talk in private without a trans woman in between them talking down to them of how their transgina is falling apart and how trans rights are at the forefront or womans rights.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.