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It's malice. Any time government is involved just assume malice.

DeSantis Ends Permanent Alimony In Florida! Old Women Are UPSET!

@sardonicsmile @37712 @mutageno I wouldn’t say women seek out low level men as boyfriends, they seek out men at least on their level for a relationship and men a-couple points higher for sexual intimacy. Hypergamy states women never date down or sleep down, if she’s a 6 and he’s a 6 she’ll date him but he has to make up for it with money, status, utility etc. Also it depends on her perception of you, if you’re a 6 and she’s a 6 but she perceives you as a 7 she’ll view you as high value.

Although crude, this is actually an honest mindset of the typical female.
Aside: her screen handle is "Serenity"...? The jokes write themselves.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat
They're doing a not-draft on septuagenarian engineers because the US can't cope and seethe their weapons fast enough to Ukraine.

Boomers are getting removered. From retirement.

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